Part Eight

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It has been a week after i watched Devan and Collins film their video. The past days, i started to watch their videos. From the very first up to their latest video which i watched them film. The first day i started watching (and stalking) them, Hazel caught me and she literally screamed which alarmed our parents. She started watching with me after she lowkey shouted at Collins on why he didn't told her. "I knew you were familiar!" I remember Hazel shouted through the phone.

In the fourth day of watching their videos, me and Hazel were already a part of the Keyper squad. Hazel, was of course, a Collins girl while i was a Devan girl. Because of Collins and Devan's discovery of how we instantly became fans, they invited us to film with them and not just me. Hazel instantly said yes. Well, i mean, who wouldn't?

"Oh my God we're gonna film with a FAMOUS YOUTUBER!!!" Hazel squealed. I chuckled. "Keep it down!" I scolded her. She rolled her eyes but finally shut her mouth. When we arrived in their house, Devan instantly opened the door, a big smile on his face. "Emma!" He greeted, hugging me and i hugged back. "Hey Devy!" I geeted back, giggling. "I said stop calling me that!" He whined, making me laugh and pull away. 

"Move along, love birds." Hazel said, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Hey, we're just friends." I told her but she just smirked and came in. "My sister's an idiot." I mumbled as me and Devan walked in. He chuckled. 


"Wait, what are we gonna make again?" I asked as i looked around. We are currently at their backyard with a deflated pool on the center. There were sacks of... i don't know. "And why did you made us brought this clothes?" Hazel added, holding up a paper bag with her clothes in it. Before we came, Devan told us to bring leggings and a shirt that was okay to get destroyed. Hazel's shirt was an old band shirt and mine was a plain black shirt. Collins smirked.

"We're gonna make... OOBLECK!!!" He shouted. "What the heck oobleck?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed. "Go change and we'll explain." Devan said. Me and Hazel looked at each other and shrugged before their mom guided us to Devan's room where we'll change. Once we were dressed and our hairs were tied high, we went back to the back yard. "Okay. So what's oobleck again?" I asked, fixed my shirt. When i look up, i caught Devan staring at me. I instantly blushed and looked back down. 

"W-well..." Collins started and explained us what oobleck really is. It turns out it's just cornstarch and water mixed together which looks liquid but when you hit it, it's hard as a rock. "Well then, lets get started with the video!" Their dad said. We all nodded. After Collins back flipping a few times which made me and Hazel gasp, Collins finally introduced us three, me, Hazel, and Devan. 

"This is Hazel Anderson and Emma Anderson, they're sisters and we just became friends a... couple of weeks ago..?" He said, me and Hazel smiling and waving at the camera. "And of course, this is my brother, Devan!" He said, pointing at Devan who was waving back at the camera as well with a smile on his face. 

Then our oobleck making started. Me and Devan ended up being the mixers of the two substances. Hazel and Collins are the ones who place them on the now inflated pool. It was SO HARD mixing them. As i mix them with my feet, i accidentally slipped and fell. Being an idiot, i held on the nearest thing (or more like human) which was Devan, making him fall with me. We both laughed as i apologize to him. Hazel and Collins were laughing as well. Once we stopped laughing, we finally got up and started mixing it again.

After all the mixing mixing, me and Devan had to rest for awhile because our legs hurt as hell. As we rest, we watched Hazel and Collins play a little with the oobleck. "They look good together." I spoke up, ending the silence between me and Devan. "True. I won't be surprised if they end up dating in the future." Devan said, sitting up straight. "Are you single?" He asked me out of the blue. I blushed. "Yep." I replied. "What about you?" i added, looking at him, finding out that he was already looking at me. "Same here." He replied. We stared at each other for a few moments and oh my God his eyes look so beautiful. 

"YO LOVE BIRDS STOP STARING AND GET BACK HERE!" Hazel shouted at us, making our heads snap at her direction, the both of us blushing. We were sitting beside the door to the house which means we were off camera. Thank God. "We're not love birds, Hazel!!!" i shouted back as we walk back on cam. "Lets play with the oobleck!!!" Collins shouted.

We tried hitting the oobleck with different stuff: a bat, a tennis bat, our fists, etc. Devan even took it to the next level and used an axe! 

"Wait what if we throw a ball of oobleck and Devan, you hit it with the bat?" I suggested, feeling hyped. Collins and Devan gasped. "That's a great idea!!!" Devan shouted and took the bat. I quickly took a piece of the oobleck and started forming it into a ball, remembering to put pressure so it stays solid. Once it was ready, i counted 1 to 3 before throwing it to Devan's direction. Devan easily hit it with the bat and the oobleck smashed into pieces and quicly turned into liquid. We did it again but the first was better. After that, me and Devan high fived each other, smiling. 

As Hazel and Collins tried to play tennis on the oobleck, me and Devan, of course, watched them do it. Then suddenly, i heard Devan gasp and pull me to his chest before i heard something hit him. 

Damn thank you fam for readin this book :OO the number of reads on this book got me shooked!!!!!!! love ya'lllllll

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