Part Twenty-six

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(a/n: seeing that you guys like this book makes me shmile :DDD) 

I"m on my way to Emma's now. It has been two days since I found out that we'll be moving out and the last two days, all I did was to be with Emma. And Emma only. I didn't had the time and strength to tell in those two days so I'll just tell her now. I knocked on the door and waiting for a response. "Wait a minute!" I heard Emma's sweet voice echo along with his rushed footsteps soon enough. When the door swung open, she faked groaned and that made me pout. 

"I'm getting tired of seeing your face, Devaaaaan." She dragged out but she didn't hold back a giggle. "Well you'll be seeing this face in the next weeks, so." I said, with a smile and a shrug. "Weeks? Why not months or years?" She said as she stepped and I took that as cue to step inside the house before she closes it and locks it. 

I chewed down on my bottom lip and looked at her. It was obvious that my face looked worried and nervous, since she furrowed her eyebrows. "Is... is something wrong?" She said, her voice was laced with worry. I nodded, still biting my lips but my eyes never leaving hers. "I actually came here to tell you something." I mumbled. She nodded and we went upstairs to her room. 

As we did, we ran into Hazel. "Hey Dev!" She said with a quickly smile before she ran downstairs, almost in a hurry. "She has a date." Emma whispered at me and we both smiled. 

When we entered her room, I inhaled the scent; her scent. A scent I will miss. A scent I will start longing after a month. A scent... a scent I grew accustomed to...

Emma's arm, beckoning me to sit down with her, made me snap out of my trance. I smiled a small one and sat beside her. I sighed and placed my head on her shoulder. She pressed her head on mine and we stayed like that for a moment until Emma sighed and pulled away. "Aren't you gonna tell me what's wrong?" She asked softly, looking straight at me and made me sigh. "No." And that made me earn a small punch on the shoulder from her. 

"I'm serious, Devan. It's making me nervous and stuff!" She complained and placed a hand on my shoulders, making me look at her. 

"I can handle it, Dev." She said sternly while staring into my soul, almost. 

And with that, I told her. Then everything went silent. I engulfed her in a tight hug; clinging onto her like she's the rope and if I let go, I'll fall into infinity and die.

Shoot, I sound so cheesy. This what happens when I'm in love. 

"I tired to make them change their mind but th-there's no use..." I whispered but she only responded by burying her head on my neck. We stayed like that in silence; just holding onto each other, as if it's the last. "We still have a month, princess. We can do it." I whispered sweetly. She nodded and pulled away. 

When I was about to say something again, she gasped, looking like she remembered something; like a light bulb going on in her head. "What?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed. 

"What if I ask my parents if we could move with you?" 


hmmmmmmmmmmm will it work? idek 

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