Part Twenty-seven

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The next day, we went to her house to talk with her parents about it. The night before, she decided to sleep over at my place and just.... talked and did some stuff as if it's actually the last night that we'll be together. 

We tried... we tried to convince her parents to come with us. At first, they said they could and might think about it so we just went and stayed in Emma's room. But while me and Emma were having a hardcore pillow fight, her parents knocked on the door and told us that they have thought about it. 

"Guys, I'm sorry but we can't move out with the Key's." (a/n: saying Key's is hella weird) Mrs. Anderson said, trying to be as gentle as possible but her words cut our rope of hope. 

"But why, mom?" Emma asked, her voice shaking. Mr. Anderson sighed and went inside Emma's room and explained to us. Like what I did, Emma tried to reason with her parents to every problem they tell us if they come with us. But every reason we tried to fight their's, just didn't work. 

"I'm sorry, kids, but we just... we just can't." Mr. Anderson apologized while me and Emma just looked down, holding each other's hand, silently hoping that everything will be alright. 

"I'll just visit you every weekend!" I said, trying to cheer her. She smiled at me as she licked some of her ice cream. After we had that conversation with her parents, we decided to go out for some ice cream by the park. "What about, I visit you in one week end and you visit me in the next?" She suggested and I quickly agreed while scooping some ice cream from my cup. "That's a really good idea." I replied and with that, we continued to eat our ice creams in peace. 

When we sadly finished the ice cream, we sat under the tree that has a perfect shade and talked about our plans for the future like helping us pack up, face time everyday and give out updates to each other's lives, go visit each other every twice a month because we realized that visiting each other every weekend is too much and our parents won't agree to that, and a bunch of random stuff. 

"I'll have one camera just for your face." I told her while pulling out one of my cameras out from my closet. "I call her, 'Ems'." I told her while holding out the black camera and that made her giggle. "Seriously, Devan?" She said, crossing her arms, acting like she's not amused. "Yeah!" I said and without warning her, I snapped a photo of her. The sudden flash from the camera made her realize that she was just shot and she gasped. 

"Devan! Delete that right now!!!"  She shouted but I just stuck my tongue out at her and looked down on her picture which made me smile. "You look so beautiful, princess." I mumbled, looking at the picture then up at Emma's blushing face. She smiled, slowly and gently took the camera off my hands and placed them on a table. She then wrapped her arms around my neck and I automatically wrapped my arms around her waist.

Then we both closed our eyes, leaning in, letting our lips connect. 

It was a soft and passionate kiss, just like some of our kisses. What sickens me is the thought that I won't be able to kiss her everyday like this anymore. That makes my heart clench. 

"Devan I have an idea!" Collins said, which is why him, Hazel, Emma, and I are gathered here in our dining table. "Hey! Me and Collins had an idea." Hazel said, glaring at Collins who was just chuckling. "Well, what is it?" Emma asked while I just watched them. "Let's make a video before we go!" Collins said, cheerfully as always, with a grin on his face. "Like, three or more videos." Hazel added with a grin on her face as well, almost mirroring Collins'. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!" I exclaimed, and like them, I had a grin on my face and so did Emma. 

"What video should we make?" Emma asked, looking at us.

"PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE!!!" Collins shouted in response and I looked at him at horror

"COLLINS NO." I laughed, shaking my head at him.

"COLLINS YES!" He exclaimed, standing up and raising his hands up in a fist.

"NO!!!" The three of us chorused. 

"Well it's my channel and I'm not the only one who will make art!" He defensed, sitting back down. 

We went silent for a moment, thinking of it. But Emma broke the silence. 

"We'll buy the batter and the ingredients." 

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" Collins shouted again and that made us laugh. 


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