Part Twenty-four

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Devan's POV
"Ethan." We were both sitting on the living room and I'm on the verge of punching this guy if not for my shoulder injury and for my kindness. "Why did you kiss my girlfriend without her consent?" I asked him with a calm voice. He blushes a bit and sighed. "Because I don't know how to tell her my feelings! And-and i don't even know why I did that. I'm not sorry about it though." He mumbled the last part and that almost, almost, made me punch him. I took a deep breath before speaking again.

 "Just- please. Don't ever touch Emma again, okay? Just don't." He nodded and I really hope he meant that. "If you do, touch her in any kind, or harass her in any kind, I will punch you no matter what Emma says." I threatened him and I meant it word by word and whole-heartedly. He sighed and nodded, and I can tell he isn't threatened. I want to punch him in the face already to make him sure that I wasn't joking, if it wasn't for Hazel's figure slowly going down the stairs. 

"Uh, Devan? Can we go down now? Emma is hella bored up there." She said and that made me smile and chuckle. "Can I stay with Emma upstairs?" I asked and stood up. She smiled and nodded. "Just no funny business." She said and walked down the stairs. "Of course. I'm not like Ethan." I said, and glared at Ethan who glared back. 

"It was just a kiss! Get on with it!" He shouted and that made me roll my eyes. "It's just your feelings! Get on with it!" I mimicked him when I was halfway through the stairs. Hazel snickered and that made me smile before jogging upstairs to Emma's room.

"Princess?" I asked after I knocked on her door. She opened it with a wide smile, in just a few seconds. I smiled back and hugged her tight. "You have no idea how much I wanted to punch him." I mumbled through her hair. She let out a giggle, a giggle makes me melt a little, and pulled away. "I'm still sleepy." She whined out like a baby. MY baby, for that matter. 

I chuckled and carried her bridal style, making her squeal a little, and carried her to her bed. I lied her down and quickly closed & lock the door, before hopping beside my Princess. "I love you, Princess." I whispered after a few moments of silent cuddling. "I love you too.... peasant." She giggled out. "Hey! You meanie!" I said, pouting at her. 

"No matter what you are, Devan, I will, and forever will, love you." She said sweetly and kisses my forehead. I smiled wide before pecking her lips. "Same here, Emma." And with that, we kissed. 

filler lol sorry

is Devan the only one who wants to punch Ethan? Just me and Devan? No? Okay.

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