"How come?" she asked. "You & Alex haven't played there before.-"

"I know," I said. "It's just that, I'm still recovering from my surgery, & I don't know how the kids will behave if we go."

"Nat, we can work something out," she said. "We'll just have to be firm with the kids. They'll understand what we want them to do."

"What about my recovery?" I asked.

"You'll have to be careful of yourself when you do things," said Kenzie. "If you need to rest for a little while, I wouldn't mind at all."

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course, babe," she said.

I nodded with a smile, then kissed her forehead. I put the mask over my face & turned on my machine, then fell asleep.

I told my dad that I was cool going on the tour. Over the next few days, everyone was getting packed up & ready to go. This was going to be a long flight. Kenzie & I brought things to occupy the kids while we were on the plane. All this preparing for the tour made me exhausted. I looked at Kenzie sitting next to me in the window seat, listening to music with her headphones on. She was so gorgeous. I smiled at her, slowly leaning my head on her shoulder.

She looked down at me & smiled. "Are you sleepy?"

"A little bit," I said.

"Why don't you listen to some music?" asked Kenzie. "It'll put you right out."

"I'd rather stay awake," I said. 

"Why's that?" she asked.

"Because, you are gorgeous," I said. "I am in love with you."

"I love you too," said Kenzie, gently kissing my cheek.

I kissed her back. "I love you, Kenzie," I said half asleep.

Kenzie smiled again & I slowly passed out, with my head resting on her shoulder.

                                                      *Kenzie's P.O.V.*

I slept on the plane on & off. I didn't like sleeping on planes, or in cars anyway. It felt weird to me. Polly sat with Nate & Jason, while Alex sat with Shane. Surprisingly, the kids didn't fight or anything. I was pretty shocked. I had to use the bathroom really bad, but Nat was still sleeping. I could feel him breathing hard down my neck. Even with my headphones on, I could hear him snoring in my ear. I wanted to get up, but I couldn't. I didn't want to wake Nat up. I know how grouchy he gets when he gets woken up by someone, or something. Gladly, before I had gotten out of my seat, Nat turned his head facing the other way. I quietly got up, scootched out between Nat & I's seats & went to the bathroom. When I got out of the bathroom, walking back to my seat, I checked on the kids. Polly was coloring with Nate & Jason. It was so adorable! Alex was watching a movie with Shane. Shane was getting really tired, but he didn't want to take a nap. He was just like Nat when he was little. When things wouldn't go his way, he gets mad. Of course, some kids are usually like that. I was like that too.

When I walked back to my seat, Nat was still fast asleep. I smiled at him & kissed his cheek. His chin felt wet. He was drooling from his lips down to his chin. Did I find this gross? Nope! It was the most cutest thing ever! I tried not to have a fangirl moment because I was afraid that I would wake him up. I laid back in my chair, trying to get relaxed, when all of a sudden, I heard one of the kids cry. It was Nate. Polly came to me & Nat's seats with Nate.

"What's wrong, buddy?" I asked.

"I wanna sit with you & daddy!" he cried.

"Daddy's sleeping right now," I said. "But, I can hold you if you want,"

"O-Okay," he said.

I put Nate in my lap & calmed him down. "Thanks Polly,"

"Your welcome," she said. "I think he got a little scared. While Shane & Alex were watching a movie, Alex fell asleep, & you know how loud he can be when he's sleeping!"

"Yeah, I know," I said stroking Nate's hair. "I was like that too when I was his age. I hated it when people would wake me up. It annoyed me so much."

"Nat snores, doesn't he?" she asked. 

"Yeah he does," I said. "But, I can accept him keeping me awake at night. He doesn't bother me."

Polly smiled. "That's good!"

I nodded. I could hear Jason calling Polly's name. "I think someone's waiting for you."

"I think you're right," she said. "I'll talk to you in a little while!"

"Alrighty," I said.

"Mommy, can I borrow your headphones?" asked Nate. "Daddy is really loud."

"Sure," I said, putting my headphones on his head. 

Nate rested his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back & he slowly fell asleep. U.K... Here we come!

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