Chapter Three

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The doorbell rang as soon as I had set down the last plate on the dining room table. I glanced around the room quickly to make sure that all of the boxes were out of sight, stuffed in the hall closet. I walked out of the dining room, through the kitchen and down the hall towards the front door but Emery had beat me to it.

Emery opened the front door to immediately be greeted by her grandparents, scooping her up in a big hug and giving her lots of kisses, all of which she wiped off her face with a disgusted, but playful, expression.

"How's my beautiful granddaughter?" My mom cooed as she pinched Emery's cheeks. Emery wriggled free of my dad's grip and jumped to the floor.

"I'm fine grandma," Emery said smiling up at the two.

"Mom, Dad, it's nice to see you guys," I greeted, taking their attention away from my smiling daughter for two seconds for them to hug me before my dad was kneeling down in front of Emery and asking her a million questions about school. My mom and I walked into the kitchen so she could set her salad down on the counter.

"How are you Sadie?" My mom asked, watching me pace around the kitchen trying to find something to busy myself with.

"Stressed," I muttered, grabbing a hot pad so I could pull the lasagna out of the oven, even though it wasn't done for five more minutes.

"Why honey? That's not good for you, it causes wrinkles you know," My mom scolded me.

"Mom, I can't help it okay. Kent's constantly at work, he's never home for dinner, he even missed parent night at the school last night because of some stupid board meeting!"

"Oh Sadie, who cares about some parent night anyway?" My mom said, rolling her eyes.

"I care," I said crossing my arms. "Instead of the two of us raising Emery it's like it is just me all of a sudden,"

My mom walked over to me and grabbed both of my hands, forcing me to look her in the eyes. "Sadie, dear, take a look around this house of yours. It's beautiful isn't it? If Kent didn't have the job he has now you guys wouldn't be living here, that's for sure. I know it's tough but there are certain sacrifices you will have to make if you want a certain lifestyle,"

I rolled my eyes now and my mom lightly pinched my cheek. "Don't roll your eyes at your mamma,"

We both laughed and I hugged her tight before finally opening up the stove and pulling out the lasagna when the timer started beeping.

"Where is Kent?" My dad asked, emerging from the living room. I sighed loudly before turning towards him now, my back to my mom.

"He's at work,"

"Work on a Sunday?" My dad was clearly displeased with this news. "That's ridiculous, he should be home with his family right now,"

I turned to send a devilish smile towards my mom over my shoulder. "At least someone is on the same page as me,"

My mom pushed my shoulder and grabbed her salad bowl off of the table. "Let's go eat!"

Emery was curled up in her bed and all tucked in when I shut her door quietly and walked back to the living room to sit down on the black leather La-Z-Boy. My parents sat across from me on the couch with wine glasses in their hands.

"How are you and Kent doing?" My mom asked. Of course she wanted to hear that we were doing bad so that she could shove it in my face that we got married way too young and she knew this wouldn't work out for the two of us. Something she still wouldn't let go.

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