Chapter Thirteen

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Kent's POV

I don't think I had ever seen Sadie glowing as much as she was right now. 

I drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on her thigh the whole way to her parents house. We had barely said a word to each other but we didn't need to, her smile was enough to make me happy. No arguing, no nagging, just happiness. 

"Are you excited to pick up our baby girl?" I asked right before turning into her parents driveway. 

"Yes! I missed her so much," Sadie leaned over and kissed me quickly before jumping out of the car. Emery was already dashing out of the house and into her mom's arms before I could even get my seat belt unbuckled. 

"Mommy, Daddy I missed you so much!" Emery yelled as she threw her small arms around my neck and I picked her up. "Don't ever leave me for so long again!"

"Didn't you have fun with grandma and grandpa though?" Sadie asked, hugging her mom who had walked out of the house with Emery. 

"I had fun, but I miss my home," Emery stated, not worrying about hurting her grandma's feelings. 

"We had a lot of fun, she just doesn't like sleeping on the couch very much," Sadie's mom chuckled. "Come on inside, get something to eat and let's talk about your wonderful trip," 

We followed her inside and before long Sadie was going on and on about the gorgeous hotel we stayed at and how amazing the counselors were there. When Emery got up to use the bathroom, grandma made sure to ask if everything was better between the two of us, which we were both reluctant to say yes. 

After an hour of visiting we were finally on our way home and Emery could not be more excited. 

"Oh mom, I have a show and tell on Tuesday at school. But I don't know what to bring," Emery chattered on and on while we got out things and got settled into the house. 

"Well I'm sure we can figure out something honey," Sadie was busy putting things away to think too much about our daughter's show and tell coming up. 

"Okay!" Satisfied with her mom's answer Emery quickly ran off to her room to play with her toys and that left Sadie and I alone. 

Taking full advantage of this opportunity that we won't have as often as this weekend, I stepped towards Sadie and took her into my arms. Her giggling seemed to excite me even more than it used to and before long our lips were against each other's and we were ready to tear one another's clothes off just like that. As I reached to unbutton Sadie's shirt she quickly stopped me. 

"We aren't alone anymore babe," Sadie said while laughing. Although Emery was still in her room playing she was right.

"Then why don't we go...take a nap or something?" I asked, winking at Sadie and pulling her towards our bedroom. 

"But. . . we need to unpack. . . and,"

"Shh, we'll do that all later. We have plenty of time," 


Sadie's POV

"We're going to be late!" Emery yelled from the open front door, letting the cold air into the house even after I told her to close the door. 

"Go get in the car Emery, I'll be right there!" I called back to her. Grabbing her lunch box off the counter I quickly hurried out the door with her precious snowglobe in my hand, praying I wouldn't drop it. 

As I jumped in the car Emery was already buckled up, thank goodness, and we were on our way. 

I had just parked the car when the bell rang over the school, meaning school was beginning, and Emery and I ran into the school, almost forgetting her lunchbox again. 

At least one or both of the parents of every kid was in the classroom waiting for the show and tell presentations to start. I'm not exactly sure why the parents had to be there for this, but I got the morning off from work so why not I guess. 

"Looking good Sadie, it's been awhile," The chilling familiar voice of Justin came from my left and I couldn't help the disgusted look that came on my face. "Oh don't be like that darling," 

"Don't talk to me," I managed to mutter out before I moved to the opposite side of the room. A little boy had gotten up in front of the class to show us all his new pet kitty that he got for his birhtday. Her name was snowball, but she was brown. Kindergarteners. . . .

"You don't have to be like this, I just want to talk," Justin had managed to squeeze by other parents nonchalantly and sit beside me once again. 

"Seriously, you better leave me alone," I whispered, not wanting to be rude and interupt the little guy showing off his brown snowball. 

"Or what Sadie? Come on, why can't we just be friends?" Justin was whispering but not that quietly and I could see a couple of parents turn their heads to look our way. Great. 

"Or else I'll get a damn restraining order and unleash my crazy, wild, strong husband on your ass to teach you a lesson about coming on to married women. Is that enough of a reason to leave me the hell alone or shall I call the cops now?" 

"Alright, alright, I see you're pretty serious about this, but I don't recall you having any evidence against me to prove your case. Just saying," Justin had a sly smirk on his face that I wish I could slap off right here and now. "I'll back off for now, until you realize you want me around, but don't worry, I'll only be a text away," 

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