Chapter 12

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3rd POV~

The Fellowship are in small elven boats.

They row away from
the Lothlorien Shore into the Silverlode river.

Elves quietly watch them depart.

Galadriel gives Frodo a small Crystal Phial.

"Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Earendil, our most beloved star," Galadriel says to Frodo.

As the Fellowship's boats drift past, Galadriel stands alone,
watching them go as Galadriel's words linger in Frodo's head.

"May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out,"

The boats pass into the great river Anduin.

The Three Elven boats carry the Fellowship steadily southward.

Green trees slowly give way to a brown and withered land.

You sit patiently in the boat like everyone else.

"Ya know... Keep staring at me like that and your face is gonna stick," you murmured quietly to Pippin.

He had been staring at you like you had just done something amazing as his cheeks flared a red before he looked away.

"I can't help it...You're too beautiful," Pippin mumbled the last part only loud enough for you to hear.

You felt your face burn but tried your best to ignore it as you didn't say another word surprising Pippin you didn't shut him down.

Crows circle above you all black against the pale blue sky as both you and Aragon watch with concern.

The Three Elven boats drift slowly through the steep rocky
gorge in the Pre-dawn light.

Aragon too slowly
paddling in the stern.

"Frodo," Aragon whispers.

Frodo slowly looks up, his eyes widening with amazement.

Two enormous rock statues, towering like 300 foot pinnacles on either side of the river.

Carved images of Gondorian kings of old.

They loom over the boats with power and majesty.

"The Argonath," Aragon spoke mostly to himself.

Aragon is moved by the beauty as much as everyone else.

"Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old...My kin," Aragon says out loud to himself.

Everyone stares in a stunned silence until Aragon leads them under the narrow feet statues.

All of you jump out of the boats following Aragon while Merry (being the big goofball he is) jumps onto your back for a ride.

You almost fell backwards by this but Boromir grabbed your arms before you could stumble into the water.

Your stunned look upon your face made him smile and wink at you before standing you up straight.

Pippin glared slightly at Boromir and Merry before you all continued forward.

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