Special Chapter~ Part 2

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Warning: Fluff and lemon(?) I'll warn you for those who want to skip.

3rd POV~

It had been a week and you figured out very quickly that Pippin had been planning this for quite some time. He said he wanted to go to Minas Tirith to visit Aragon and his wife, Arwen, also knowing the two of you would be more then welcome.

Pippin was out front adjusting his horse's straps and reins also talking to Merry.
You decided you would trust to leave Luca for a month with Merry. It was a lot of hesitation but you made your decision.

It was early morning so the sun wasn't even up yet including a lot of packing, Pippin had been talking your poor ear off about this trip! He was more excited then you were about spending time with your beloved husband.
Pippin agreed you could bring your black leather armor just in CASE but you had to wear something normal for once.

You picked a light blue short sleeved summer dress that Pippin got for you a year after you had Luca. You still fit in it perfectly with some black flats then you fixed your hair into a side-braid.
You went down the hallway snatching your straw hat Merry weaved for you out of dry corn leaves.

Merry threw some of Pippin's stuff into the back with all the other things.
Pippin smiled thinking of how lucky he was to have a beautiful wife, a good son and a best friend.
"Now you be a good boy until me and daddy get back ok?" You were kneeled down to Luca's height listing out all the rules to your son who had patiently been listening.

"You listen to Uncle Mer and... Oh I will miss you so much," you grabbed Luca smothering him in a bone crushing hug,
Your eyes were filling with tears not noticing Luca's huge eyes and loss of oxygen.
Merry and Pippin exchanged worried looks for you and Luca (mostly Luca since he was being squished).

"Sweetheart, we need a son to come back to, my goodness," Pippin chuckled with an amused smile.
You jumped and pulled back with an apologetic look.
"Oh, sorry baby," you kissed Luca's forehead as he giggled.
"It's ok ma," Luca smiled.
"I trust you, you can take care of yourself," you hesitantly started to get up before sweeping his hairs back.
"Merry, you protect my son with your LIFE! I swear if I come back and he's hurt or dead, you will suffer," You glared at Merry who put his hands up in surrender.

"Some things don't change," Merry said to Pippin who snorted and nodded.
"Come on love," Pippin said with a smile.
You said a long goodbye to your son before having the courage to go over to the carriage.
Merry looked at you guiltily before slowing opening arms signaling for a hug.
"Eh? Come on, you won't see me for a month," Merry said.
You let out a defeated sigh before giving the dork a big hug which made him lose all the oxygen in his stomach.
"Hmph! Ok... Can't breathe..." He wheezed.

You let go of him suddenly making him fall and stumble backwards.
You chuckled before turning to Pippin who was shaking his head.
Being the gentleman he was he grabbed you gently by the waist and lifted you onto the carriage.
He's gained quite a bit of muscle since he's married you because he wants to carry you as much as possible. He likes to pamper you.

"Be good scamp," Pippin playfully glared at Luca who giggled.
Pippin hopped up on the carriage and gently ushered his horse to go.
You waved at Merry and Luca as you began to disappear around a hill. The sun was slowly peaking over the horizon which provided a little light for both of them to see.
"I'm nervous," you murmured not looking at Pippin.
Pippin looked at you confused.

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