Chapter 22

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3rd POV~

Gandalf hurries along the streets with Pippin and Merry run alongside trying to keep up.
You were easily keeping pace with Gandalf.

"Of all the inquisitive Hobbits, Peregrin, Took, you are the worst. Hurry, hurry!" Gandalf hissed.

You stifled a laugh (even if it is a bad time to laugh).

Pippin manages to catch up with you and Merry.

"Where are we going?" Pippin asked.

"Why did you look - why do you always have to look?!" You snapped a bit harsher then intended as Merry agreed with you.

"I don't know... I can't help it!" He defended.

"You never can," Merry scoffs.

"I'm sorry alright? I won't do it again," Pippin assured you both.

"Damn right you won't do it again," you scolded Pip like a child.

Merry turns on Pip.

"Don't you understand ... The Enemy thinks you have the Ring . . . He's going to be looking for you, Pip. They have to get you out of here," Merry growled.

"And you. You're coming with me . . .Merry? (Y/n)?" Pippin asked almost sadly.

You and Merry exchanged looks.

"Come on!" You growled both of you avoiding the question.


Pippin is dumped on Shadowfax (Gandalf's horse) unceremoniously as Gandalf hurriedly prepares to leave.

"How far is Minas Tirith?" Pippin asked.

"Three days ride as the Nazgul flies and you'd better hope we don't have one of those on our tail," Gandalf huffed.

No one was in the greatest mood right now.

You thrust a package into Pippin's arms from you and Merry as well gives him a small package.

"Here.. Something for the road," you mumbled not making eye contact with him.

Merry opened Merry's to see pipe-weed.

"The last of the Longbottom Leaf," Pippin smiles lightly.

"I know you ran out... You smoke too much, Pip," Merry sighed.

Pippin then opened yours and saw you had made him a sandwich with some leftover cold salted pork.

You felt a pain your chest when you felt his eyes bore into your head sadly.
When you finally do make eye contact you regret it.

"We'll see each other soon..." Pippin looked between you and Merry.

You and Merry exchange very worried glances.

"Won't we..?" He questioned looking at Gandalf.

"I don't know... I don't know what's going to happen," Merry admitted as you placed a hand on his shoulder.

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