Chapter 10

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3rd POV~

The Fellowship pass under an arched doorway into a black and
empty space.

Gandalf pauses...

"Let me risk a little more light," Gandalf taps his staff...For a brief moment the light flares more

This place have you the willies and your chest was clenched in fear causing a few minor heartburns.

"Behold! The great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf!" Gandalf announced causing Frodo to gasp at the brief sight of a vast roof, far above.

Up above their heads, upheld by many mighty pillars hewn of stone.
Before them stretches a huge empty hall, with black walls,
polished and smooth as glass.

"Well there's an eye opener no mistake!" Sam pointed out.

Ahead of them, a wooden door has been smashed. Black arrows
are embedded in the timbers. Two goblin skeletons lie in the

Gimli rushes ahead.

"Gimli!" You call after the dwarf.

Gimli rushes into another vast empty chamber... Lit with a
narrow shaft of sunlight, beaming in from a small hole near the roof.

Dwarf and Goblin skeletons are piled high. In the far corner sits a stone walled Well.

A shaft of light falls directly onto a stone table in the middle of the room: a single oblong block, about 4 feet high, topped with a great
slab of white stone.

Gimli falls to his knees...

Gimli sobs as he keeps repeating the word "no" as you sadly walk up to him and gently place a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

""Here lies Balin, son of Fudin, Lord of Moria." He is dead, then. It's as I had feared," Gandalf read the inscription out loud not really helping Gimli's sobs.

Gandalf carefully lifts the rotting remains of a book from
the white stone slab.

It has been slashed and stabbed and appears to be covered in Dried Blood.

The pages crack and
break as he opens it...

"We must move on, we cannot linger," Legolas urgently told you all.

""They have taken the Bridge and the second hall: we have barred the gates...But cannot hold them for long...The ground shakes...Drums in the deep...We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no- one save us? They are coming,"," Gimli read out loud.

Unnerved, Pippin backs away nervously...He stumbles against
the well, sending a precariously balanced Armored skeleton
tumbling in.

You and Merry reach out, Grabbing hold of Pippin
before he falls.

The Fellowship freeze in stunned silence as the armored skeleton clatters down the deep well...Echoing loudly.

Gandalf turns towards Pippin with an angry look which even sent you into a nervous frenzy.

"Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf snapped causing Pippin to look down in shame.

Everyone falls silent.

A low rolling boom rises from the depths below...

Growing louder...



As if the caverns of Moria were turned into a vast drum.

A great horn blasts
nearby...Answering horns ...

Lord Of the Rings (X Reader)✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن