Chapter 24

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3rd POV~

"Aragon!" Gimli grabs Aragon's attention.

Aragon looked down at Gimli before looking back up at the ancient stones then followed Gimli.

It was nighttime and you were with Pippin and Éowyn helping the small hobbit into some gear.
Éowyn kneeled down and adjusted Merry's helmet strap while you looked at him like a proud mother or something.

"There! A true Esquire of Rohan!" Éowyn smiled.

Merry exhales in excitement and fear with the two emotions measuring each other out he draws his sword proudly.

You and Éowyn chuckle taking a step back in amusement.

"Sorry. It isn't all that dangerous," Pippin huffs. "It isn't even sharp."

Indeed it was a sad sword.

"Well, that's no good. You won't kill many Ores with a blunt blade. Come on," Éowyn gestured for Pippin and you to follow.

You and Pippin leave the tent with Éowyn behind you guys. You tried to be supportive of Merry but he was small and didn't have much experience, but you reminded yourself that anyone could do anything if they put their minds to it.

Éomer and Gamling were sitting by a near by tree finishing up a meal.

"To the smithy, go!" Éowyn gestured Merry off.

"You should not encourage him," Éomer points out as he watches the young hobbit leave.

"And you should not doubt him," you snapped back with narrowed eyes.

Éowyn agreed with your comeback.

"I do not doubt his heart ... Only the reach of his arm," Éomer scoffs.

Gamling stifle a laugh while you glared so hard it made them both shift uncomfortably.

"Why should Merry be left behind? He has as much cause to go to war as you," Éowyn defended. "Why can he not fight for those he loves?" She said that last part to herself.

You wandered off around camp with your hand gently rested upon the hilt of your sword... So many questions had been swirling in your head, it bothered you greatly.

Was this war going to be victorious? Or end in a bloodbath?
Will death choose to avoid or take you?
Would you ever see Frodo and Sam again? Would you see Pippin?
Would you live to see the day you are married to that pipsqueak?

You lightly smiled at the thought as your head was in another world. The darkness was dim because of the sparkling stars above and the moon. It almost reminded you of the days you lived out on the streets.

"You alright?" Legolas asked you when he saw your sad expression plastered on your face.

You quickly looked up in surprise and shook the expression away replacing it with a firm thin lipped smile.

"Quite alright," you nodded.

"If anything bothers you, do not be afraid to get it off your mind my friend," Legolas puts a hand on your shoulder. "Is this about Pippin?" He took a wild guess.

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