Chapter 04

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3rd POV~

"Trust a Brandybuck and a Took," Sam glared at Pippin and Merry as everyone started to get off the ground.

"What...? That was just a detour... A shortcut," Merry grinned.

"A shortcut to what? Death Valley?" You commented sarcastically.

"Mushrooms!" Pippin yelled excitedly when spotting some on the side of the road.

Merry and Pippin were already gathering the mushrooms before you could bang their heads into the dirt again for their stupidity.

"I think we should get off the road," Frodo suggested as you nodded in agreement.

"I agree, Gandalf warned us about the roads," you mumbled mostly to yourself.

A wail irrupted the eerie wind sounds as an evil cry fills everyone's ears making you high alert.

"Get off the road!" You barked at the hobbits who immediately obeyed your command.

You pushed them down in the bank under a grassy fallen down log. Everyone was breathing heavily in fear when they heard the sound of horse's hooves clopping closer towards your hiding area.

Pippin clung to your left arm and Merry on your right making you sigh quietly at them but you instantly held your breath when you heard the heavy breathing of a horse.

Frodo who was on the right side of you and Merry froze in terror at the creature when he peaked trough the small gap through the log.

Frodo sweats badly from fear as he gently pulls out the ring from his pocket fiddling with it as the creatures sniffs the air and turns his head from side to side.

Frodo squeezes his eyes shut as a flash of an image and loud whispering fill his head as he briefly sees a green eye.

"Frodo?" Sam whispers in concern making you instantly hush him.

Merry hurls the bag of mushrooms across the road catching the creature's attention and at frightening speed runs towards the sound.

"What was that?" Merry asks with his face losing all color but Frodo didn't look any better.

You glanced at Frodo seeing his pale face and the cold sweat with the look of shock.

"Come on!" You hurled Merry and Pippin up with you since they still clung to your strong arms.

Merry let go but Pippin refused to as you were too busy to help Sam and Frodo up while you ran into the woods trying to get away from the creatures.

The five of you kept slipping in the mud but you all maintained balance half the time anyways...
Sam jumped on your back a few times through the deeper parts which you allowed as long as he was hanging on.

"Anything?" Frodo looked to you and Sam out of breath.

"Nothing," Sam replied.

"What is going on?" Pippin asked looking to you, Sam and Frodo.

Merry pushed past you and Sam eyeing Frodo suspiciously.

"The Black Rider was looking for something.... Or someONE... Frodo?" Merry squinted at Frodo in suspicion.

"GET DOWN!" You hissed at the four who were alert once again.

Lord Of the Rings (X Reader)✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang