Entitled Mom Doesn't Understand How Concerts Work

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Ok so this happened a few years ago, in 2016. I was 14 at the time, and this girl I sorta knew offered me and my boyfriend some last minute tickets to go see Melanie Martinez with her. This was HUGE for me, since at the time she was one of my favorite artists (she still would be if she wasn't a rapist ngl). I was absolutely ecstatic.

So my bf's dad had driven us to the venue early so we could stand in line, the concert being general admission and at a club nearby. It was a decent sized venue, and probably had a capacity of 1500-2000 people. (It's the 9:30 club in DC so idk for sure but if you've been there you know what I mean)

As soon as we get out of the car, the line is already about two blocks long. But it's a nice day at the end of March and the doors aren't open yet, so we get in line and don't really think much of it, as a wait is to be expected. They hadn't even opened the doors for the venue yet. As this concert was general admission, we wanted to get there at a good time, but even we had misjudged the volume of people that would be here. We waited for probably two hours at least, and we were probably in the front half of the line. it was long.

We get into the venue and immediately try to push forward into the pit like everyone else, but both me and the other girl we're with are very short and since we aren't making much progress trying to slip through the crowd, we decide to go upstairs and stand at the little balcony ledge thing, which was further from the stage but had a clearer view. We find an empty space against the railing, and even though it's closely packed, we're fine with it.

About halfway through the concert, a group of girls roughly the same age as us (14/15ish) that had been standing right next to us against the railing left, presumably to get merch or use the restroom. Their entire group left, all 5 or 6 of them, so my group (the 3 of us) spread out just enough so that we're all now comfortably standing facing the stage, instead of pressed together like sardines. We're excited for the new breathing room, same as the other concert patrons who also moved in to fill the space.

this next part I don't remember word for word but this is the essence of it:

so after a few moments the group of girls comes back and sees that their spot is gone. duh. they left it completely unattended at a packed general admission concert in a night club. why would their spot be left? anyway, one of the kids (K) asks the girl i'm with (S) to move.

K: hey, my friends and I were here a few minutes ago. can we have our spot back?

S: sorry, no, you left, and we're standing here.

the girl and her friends leaves and we figure they'll just find a spot somewhere else, since it's a concert venue, there are tons of places to stand (admittedly some better than others). and then this girl returns, with her mom (EM).

EM: excuse me! my daughter and her friends were standing here.

S: alright.

EM: can you move so they can have their spot back?

S: no sorry, they left so we filled the space.

EM: my daughters stood outside for HOURS! the least you could do is move over for them!

S: but they left their spots. this concert is general admission, there's no assigned spots.

EM: but my girls were waiting for these spots and just because they left doesn't mean that you can take them!

Since S was a year older than my bf and I, we just kind of let her deal with the whole thing. We shifted over as much as we could while still standing comfortably (as comfortably as you can at a PACKED venue) to try and make a little room, because we felt bad, but the whole thing still makes me mad. like this woman thought her children were the ONLY people to have waited in line, and because of that, they were guaranteed a spot, even if they left it completely unclaimed. Keep in mind, my friends and I were there by ourselves, so this lady essentially tried to bully a bunch of middle schoolers so her kids could stand three feet closer to a railing. additionally, we weren't the only people who had filled in the space. we were at a concert for fucks sake.

EDIT; so I guess I was unclear but this is a STANDING ROOM ONLY kind of place, like the only seats they have are either for the disabled or like the three seats they have at the bar. it's not like a stadium/arena tour where you have an entire basketball stadium full of seats in addition to the pit on the floor, it's literally a little club venue with a mosh pit, a few bars, and a balcony. So it's not at all like my friends and I went in and took the sit these girls paid for! we literally just expanded a few inches over once they left so we weren't packed up against each other, as did the other people around us, and I guess since we were kids we were the easy target for the mom to bully.

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