Entitled mom at movies turns into raging racist

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Although an adult now my Gf still loves to watch Disney movies so when Frozen first came out we made plans to watch it at the movies and everytime we do go to the theater she always made sure we went early to get the best seats.

We were about 40 minutes early and had to wait another 10 minutes for them to finish cleaning the room so my Gf went to the bathroom while I went to check out the arcade area. There were two families there and a few random kids. I saw one of the moms (EM) demanding a kid to get off a game because it was her kids (EK) turn.

I thought maybe both of them were her's and she was teaching them to share. Nope, the other kid who got kicked off just stood there waiting while the EK kept on playing. EM was busy talking to the other family she came together with.

I felt a little pissed off for the unfortunate kid but thought I didn't really have a say in the matter.

Gf comes out, we grabbed drinks and head to the room. We were the first ones there like usual and always sat close to the center of the room. I told my gf about what I saw while we waited.

People started coming in almost non stop. I took a look around and noticed most of the seats was filled up. Everyone got situated and was waiting for the movie to start.

Then at the corner of my eye I see EM and the other family walking in. I tapped my Gf to show her who I was talking about earlier. We both started at them as they walked up the stair aisle. Then I saw EK point towards our direction and said he wanted to sit there. I thought surely he was pointing at the row above us because our row was pretty packed but nope.

EM marched right towards our row and started telling people to slide towards the edge so her group could sit in the middle, people actually started moving then EM got to us.

EM - Hey, we need those seats.

GF - Uh... what do mean?

EM points to other family.

EM - We came together as a group so we want to sit together. Can you guys go find other seats, I mean there's only two of you.

I stood up and looked around. There were some empty seats but they were the crappy ones and we did not come this early just to sit in one of them. So I spotted a row almost completely empty at the very bottom ( the ones no one wants to sit at.)

Me - if you guys want to sit together there's a row down there that is almost empty.

EM takes a look at where I was pointing.

EM - Why would we sit there? It would be easier if the two of you move. Plus my kid wants to sit here or he'll start throwing tantrums.

Me - Mam we really dont want to move... I'm sorry.

At this point people around us is staring at her and the EM's friend notices it. They called out to her because they were still in the aisle and signaled that they were going to sit at the row I suggested.

EM yells back, "No, just wait there." She looks at us and now she is pissed.

EM - How old are guys? You dont look like kids to me. Why are you even in here?

Gf - To watch a movie?

EM - I know that you idiots, why are you watching a film made for kids?

I was starting to get annoyed at this point.

Me - Look we're not moving so go try a different row.

The family calls out to her agian saying they were going to sit at the open row, again she tries to tell them to wait but they ignored her and went to sit down as the movie was now starting.

EM - You're a piece of shit you know that? A f*cking piece of shit. Go back to your country ( I'm Asian) you illegal kidnapping piece of shit etc...

People around us are all getting upset now and started telling her to watch her language so she decides to argue with everyone. Eventually she leaves to join her group while swearing at everyone in all her glory.

Btw, her kid did throw a tantrum but she ended up telling him to stfu. Yikes

Besides that horrible experience everything resumed normally, but honestly that ruined it for me... like I couldn't get it out of my head to really enjoy the film.

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