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  Entitled brat's parent tries to take my 3DS because her crotch goblin "deserves it more than me"  

This happened when I was 15, and I have horrible memory due to my ADD, so some exact details might not be exact.

Context: I am an avid Megaman fan. Like, AVID. I used to carry my big bulky 3DS I was gifted by my Dad, whom I have a deep connection with, and with my favorite game (Megaman Zero Collection) in tow. If there was any form of waiting had to be done, you bet your top dollar I whip that thing out and start a Mega Marathon. With that out of the way, here's the actual story.

I was sitting in my therapist office's waiting room, waiting for my brother to finish. I have some problems with my ADD and Autism + Aspergers, so my parents got me a therapist to help overcome some of the problems I have. It's not serious, I just don't act "normal" in public situations. While I waited in my brother to finish up his rotation of seeing our therapist when the EP and their kid walk inside. The kid looks at me and I give a subtle wave and a small smile before I continued playing my game. At first it was calm, I was having a grand ol time just playing Megaman Zero 2. (Great game, I recommend the entire Zero series to everyone.) Then, the kid sits down next to me. I take no mind to it and keep playing, in fact, I enjoyed the spectator sitting next to me. Suddenly, he says, "Hey, can I play?" This. This is where the gates of hell open. EP = Entitled Parent. EB = Entitled Brat Me is, well, me.

Me: Oh, uh give me a sec, the boss room is just up ahead, then I'll give you a turn.

EB gives me this pouty face and looks mad. EB: "I want it now!"

Me: Hey, calm down. I'm almost finished, just be patient.

EB gets up and goes over to his mom. She looks at me and back at EB, I could tell she said something to the kid along the lines of 'You want that? Okay, mommy will get it for you.'

I was a bit perturbed. I sat up straight in my chair and acted like I didn't notice. I looked back down at my DS. Suddenly, EP appears before me.

Me: Can I help you, ma'am?

EP: 'My son wanted to play your game, why can't he play your game?'

Me: Uhm, no. I didn't say he can't, I said the opposite. I was in going to-interrupted

EP: 'I don't care about that, just give my son the game, he's been very good in school and deserves a reward.'

I thought it was a joke, but she was dead serious.

At this point, I'm getting anxious. I wasn't in a situation like this before, and I honestly felt threatened. I was hoping my brother would come to save me.

Me: No, it's my DS, I can choose what to do with it. Please, go away. I closed it and clutched it close to my chest.

EP: 'Give it to my son, now! You don't deserve it, you selfish retard!'

She gets physical. Grabbing at my hands to pry out my prized possession. She gets hold of the little Megaman wrist strap I put on it, and yanks it out of my hands. She hands it to her son's little, greedy clutches. EP: 'My son deserves it more than you. Besides, you're autistic, so you don't need it.' She walks back to her seat with her son.

I try to take impeccable care of my DS, so it will follow me far into the future. Her son starts scratching up it's golden metal case, chewing on the end of the stylus, physically jabbing his finger onto the touchscreen and damaging it permanently, even ejected out the game while it was still running. That can destroy the cartridge!

I am at my boiling point, in fact beyond it. I was already put into overdrive emotionally because of how I lost my DS, but that last remark. That little jab at my quote-on-quote "defect", pushed me over my edge. I jolted up from my seat and strided over to her, visibly angry.

Me: Give me back my DS! My father gave that to me, and it belongs to me!

EP looks at me in shock and her son does the same. He was clutching the cartridge and scratching the cover art.

EP: No, my son deserves it, he got good grades in school. You're just a autistic kid who got this for free from his parents, my son worked hard and he deserved a reward.

Me: Woman, I don't give a damn about his grades or his school life! You stole my DS, and I want it back! RIGHT NOW!

EB starts to cry, and EP capitalized on this.

EP: Get away from my son and his game, you theif!

I went in without hesitation to take back what is mine. EB starts wailing on me with kicks and punches while trying to hold onto my DS, he even broke my glasses. Just as I got my grip onto the DS, he screamed and kicked me square in the nads and had to let go. The kid was laughing at me as I was on the ground in fucking agony. My big brother finished up with our therapist and saw me trying to take my DS back. EP was yelling at me and was trying to turn my brother against me. He saw this kid with my DS and game. He knew what my DS looked like, and it seemed like it clicked almost instantly. My brother yelled at the kid to give it back. The brat refused. He manhandled that gremlin's grasp and saved my DS. But this kid wanted to take this shitshow a step farther.

The game was missing. My brother asked where it was and the kid didn't say anything, just shook his head with his mouth closed. This bitch. This utter bitch stuck the cartridge in his mouth. My brother demanded he give it back, he kept saying no with his mouth closed, and he suddenly started to choke. Turns out he was trying to swallow it, and it plugged up his airway. My brother did that heimlich maneuver and the kid hacked up the cartridge. I shambled over to it and clutched it in relief, and terror, because I didn't know if it was broken for good.

Bro helped me up after giving the crotch goblin back to his mother, whom grabbed their hellspawn and ran out of the building before we could call the cops on her. We left without me seeing the therapist, as I was too fucked up to say anything coherent at that time, and I assessed my damage... DS had to be replaced, it was wrecked to hell and back. Cracked and scratched screen, broken touchscreen, and chewed up stylus. With a bonus critical failure that bricked it when I tried to turn it on. I also got a ton of bruises from the kid fighting back, had to get my glasses replaced. Cartridge was usable, but brat-bitch-McGee deleted my data before shoving it in his mouth.

I never saw those...creatures again.

I still play that copy Megaman Zero Collection, by the way. Still trying to get all my unlocks back, and going on two years of recovering that lost progress.

On a happier note, my dad replaced my DS, and got me a copy of Metroid Samus Returns. I learned a couple things from him about self defense so that may never happened again. (He's a retired U.S army paratrooper. Total badass and my life hero.)

But hey, out of all that hell, at least I got a cool story to tell to my friends, and a new game.

Thanks Dad, you're the best

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