EP wants me to let her son ride my motorcycle

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EP: Entitled Parent ET: Entitled Teen NB: Nice Biker Me is, well me

This story happend two days ago but a friend I told it to said it'll be a cool one to share so here we are.

So backstory beforehand: I had to repeat grades twice because of moving out of countries, USA to Germany and back to USA (I'm german by birth) So because of that I'm currently finishing what's basically high school with the age of 19 coming up to 20. Also due to various reason I'm not a people person and try to avoid conflicts. Also important for later my mother and I ride motorcycles and since she has a Harley she's in the HoG chapter and I often join them on rides.

I was driving around most of the day on my motorcycle [Yamaha Virago vx750 the 1992 one]. It was the first /warm/ day in a while and I wanted to enjoy it so of course I've been driving around for most of the day. I got hungry and fuel was low so I stopped at a gas station with a Subway (Gas station had an empty lot in the back important for later) I decided to eat there. Everything was fine and I got back to my bike and start to fuel up. I had already put my helmet back on as I was exiting Subway so yeah. Important bit of information, my class and I had a party a while back and drew Sen19r (ya know meaning Senior 2019) on it with those markers you draw on car windows. I didn't really bother to remove it but I wished I did now. So then the ET walks up and starts asking stuff I'm used to.

ET: Hey man, how's it going? Cool motorcycle you have there.

Me: Thanks, I'm doing fine, yourself?

ET: I'm doing alright but you know what'd cheer me up? Letting me ride it in the empty lot.

Me: (taken aback on how straight foward he was) Uhhh, that's going to be a no.

ET: Why not? I'll be a senior next year, and you're one now so what's the diffrence?

Me: Do you even know how to ride one?

ET: No but I always wanted to learn come on man.

At that point I just told him no, without and he walked back towards the subway. And I thought it was over and filled up my bike. I kept the keys in the socket where you unlock the fuel tank to fill it up and threw out some trash I had in my bags on the back of the bike. I really didn't think about it since I just went from my bags to the trashcan and back. But I was shocked when I saw a women stand next to it. Like she was within key grabbing reach, so I hurried back and talked with her. It was a pretty normal conversation, untill she started asking me to let her son ride.

EP: You should let my son ride your motorcycle he's been sad all day and always wanted to ride one his whole life.

Me: Ma'am I'm sorry I just won't let strangers ride my bike. I don't want it stolen or damaged.

EP: It won't be stolen I'll stay right next to you and if you teach him how to ride it correctly it won't be damaged.

Me: You do understand that this isn't a toy you can just give to someone and that it can lead to pretty bad injuries even in an empty lot.

EP: Are you questioning my intelligence? Just teach him and he'll be fine!

Me: No of course not, I just know what can happen. I won't let him drive it or touch it for that matter.

Shouldn't have said that, I thought making my point was the end of it got on my bike and as I reached for my keys she took them! I was worried about it and scared to be honest, she took my keys and I didn't know what to do. ET came back and stood behind his mother with a fucking smug.

Me: Can you give me my keys back? This is technically theft so I'll call the police if you don't.

EP: You'll let my son ride it right now. You both are minors I know what's better. Now get off!

Me: I won't let him ride it, it's too dangerous. Now give me back my keys.

EP: You can't order me around. You should respect your elders!

At this point I got super nervous and started feeling teary eyed. Helmet and sunglasses hid it pretty well. I was near my limit and about to have a panic attack. She just kept yelling get off now, my son deserves it, until we reach this point.

EP: For the last time get off now before I throw you off and that'll damage it. You don't want that so jsut teach him how to ride it. It can't be that hard if you can do it seeing at how stupid you're acting.

Me: I- I just want my keys back and leave please.

EP: You won't get it back untill you let my son ride it.

She starts trying to pull me off and thank god someone came to help. NB rolls up and I guess notices that I'm being yelled at and pulled on, from what I've exprienced we (bikers) normally help each other out.

NB: What's up? You doing alright?

EP: Who are you, do you know this person?

NB: Nope but he seems like he can use some help.

Me: very obvious shook voice She took my keys and won't give them back and I don't know what to do.

EP: My son is very depressed and only wants to take it for a spin in the back lot. It'll be over in like five minutes

NB: That's not his (referring to me) problem, it's his bike and his choice. Plus without proper training your son will be injured.

EP: He won't be injured he knows how to drive a car and a motorcycle can't be that much harder now leave us alone, it's non of your business!

NB: It's was business the second you took his keys. That's an obvious crime and as an Off-Duty police officer I'll have to call it in.

EP went completely silent, apologized and gave him, not me, the keys and looks at me like I'm the bad guy and left.

He turned to me and talked with me a bit telling me how I need to stand up for myself etc. and gave me my keys. Turned out really helpful. We talked a bit and I gave him a cold water bottle as thanks from the gas station. Turns out the "I'm a cop" was a bluff. Also he said a quote I'll probably remember for the rest of life:

"Who you are and what you go through, I don't know, but let me tell you this. If you don't start standing up for yourself and focus on the road ahead life will get a lot harder, you're young and can still make a difference. Plus you're already braver than most by driving on a two wheeled death machine, so drive safe and proud."

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