ED wants me fired cuz his son failed his class due to me being an ignorant C*ink

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"C*ink" or "Chink" is a derogatory term used towards Asians - I am half Asian so he was being racist towards me.

Background Information: While in undergrad and grad school (Uni), I worked as a writing tutor at my college's Writing Center. The pay was total crap, but the schedule was excellent for me as a full time student, and I generally enjoyed my job. This incident took place when I was in grad school and I had been working there for about five years. I was the longest working tutor at the time and I know I was freaking good at my job.

How the set up worked was that students could make one time appointments or "standing" appointments - students had a set weekly appontment for the whole semester. It was common for students in the ESL classes to have standing appointments since they had to take an exam at the end of the course that they need to pass to go on to a standard English Composition class.

This particular semester, I was assigned to EK (ESL student). I dreaded every session with him. EK was lazy with his work. He always wanted me to "help" him with his homework (aka do his work for him) and would get really uppity when I refused. He was also borderline creepy; he would sit really close to me and would say things like "your hair would look better down" Um, I get sweaty easily and I'm keeping my hair up, kthx.

He never officially "crossed the line though" (some female tutors were stalked) so although I couldn't stand the guy, my hands were tied. Near the end of the semester, the sessions were a total sham. I'd go through the motions, and he'd be totally dismissive. Apparently, he "knew what to do." By the time the exam was coming up (pass the test or fail the class), I knew he would fail with flying colors. Not my monkey, not my circus.

Yep - he failed and spectuarly bad. Oh wells. It was the last week of tutoring, and since the test had been the week prior, most students flaked on their last session. I knew EK would be upset so I knew he wouldn't show up.

He didn't -- ED did. (Note: this took place over eight years ago so wording isn't exact)

I was screwing around on my phone at my desk when I suddenly heard:


(There was no one at the desk so my Boss came out to address ED.)

Boss: Keep your voice down - students are being tutored right now. What exactly is your problem?

ED: My son has been coming to this center the whole semester and he failed his exam! I demand to have his tutor fired!

(Now, my boss could be a real SOB but he was also someone who worked his way up the ranks and he was very protective of his employees.)

Boss: Excuse me, but I will not have you speak like that about my employees. Queenofstarts is actually one of our highest ranked tutors and happens to be in grad school—

ED: A WOMAN? No wonder he couldn't concentrate! He was being tempted! (This sadly is not hyperbole and word for word)

Boss: That is extremely inappropriate—

Me: (Getting really angry and deciding to come over) I was actually your son's tutor and he was always stubborn with me and made me feel unconfortable. He never did the work required.

ED: YOU? YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN! Why was my son not paired with an American tutor? She can't speak English well! My son needed an American professor! Not a student!

(Born and raised in the US, just happen to be biracial - half Asian and Spanish. Also, all tutors were students [peer tutors], but we had a lot of people complain that we weren't "Professors" and why couldn't little Brayden have an actual college professor tutor him?)

Boss: If you don't stop screaming, I'm calling security right now. You will not disrespect my tutors, or disrespect me, as I am the one who hired her. Now get out or I'll have you escorted out.

ED: (glaring at me) You need to fire this ignorant Chink! SHE COST MY SON'S PROMOTION TO AN ENGLISH CLASS!

He roared like a bull and stormed out.

Never saw EK or ED again. I did find out that EK eventually withdrew from the college.

Also, I am now an English college professor despite not looking "American" and I'm still damn good at my job so I guess I got the last laugh!

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