EM causes me to have a car accident and harasses me about it for 3 years

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Okay so a little background

EM is my mother and she has the tendency of doing things like this a lot throughout my life since since believes that children should always obey their parents no matter how awful they treat them since she worked so hard bringing them into this world and I'm a very shy kid at the start of this and closed off hence my obedience to her and a lot of my deep rooted emotional and mental issues.

Alright strap in for a condensed 3 year event.

So this all started back in my last year of high school, I was more than old enough to start getting my driving licence so to teach me and get me ready for the driving test EM would take me out at night or afternoon when I came home from school to show me how to use a car, I was stuck with EM and my younger brother had my dad teaching him. This goes on for a few weeks and I'm getting better and more used to driving to where I can casually do it without much issue, in comes EM one late night;

EM: "Come on we're going out for a drive tonight."

Now I was a little concerned myself since this was later than usual and I was tired that day but I had no back bone to go against EM at the time so I complied. We drove the usual route like we normally did so it wasn't a big hassle and I got settled in pretty easily and after a while decide its time to drive back. I go to take the usual way back but EM stops me and says;

EM: "Take a right turn down this road instead."

This worries me for a second since all this time of practice I realize I haven't done a single right turn this whole time yet. Still obliging I make a note to myself to go as slow as possible since this is a one way street with cars on both side and I didn't want to hit either of them. So I'm turning ever so slowly into this street to a avoid hitting the car on the right of me and in-front of me when EM starts to say;

EM: "You're going to hit the car in-front of us."

Me: "What no I'm not. I'm not that close yet."

EM: "Yes you are! You're getting too close!"

Me: "This is a very tight road! I still have some space I just wanna make sure so I don't hit the car to the right ov-"
But EM Grabs the Wheel from me mid-sentence and tries to FORCIBLY PULL IT! I'm telling her to stop since we could crash but I can't hold her back and the wheel turns all the way to the right driving the car right into the car on the right side. I'm disoriented and caught off guard by what just happened to notice my mom panicking and trying to have me driving away before someone see's what happened. Cue the owners of the car they come out the house and tap on our windows telling us to come out. They sat there for hours with me and EM talking about how to pay for the damages I'm just there quite staring at the ground not moving and shaken the other car owners where really nice about the whole mess though and didn't go at me and left me alone after that we go back home and my bother back from his practice hears what happens and teases me. I Break Down. I just start bawling all over the place EM tries to comfort me and when I say through tears;

Me: "I d-don't want to drive a-again."
I'm so shaken I don't even say anything and I keep crying I eventually go to bed a mess and end up dead emotionally for a few days and end up having constant nightmares of me being unable to control car I'm in and in real live being in a car started giving me tons of anxiety to where the kids at my high school eventually after noticing my behavior take me out to a Wendy's with all them to ask whats wrong. I tell them and start crying again but unlike EM they comfort me and end up pulling me out of my rut, distance between me and EM begins to grow from this point on and she even ends up blaming me for the crash and how much it cost her despite it being her fault for grabbing the wheel and pulling it like that. A year later I'm in college and EM tries to force to take $300 driving lessons and pay for them with my own money, I tell her;

Me: "No I'm not doing that."

EM: "Why not?"

Me: "Because I don't want to drive."

EM: "Doesn't matter come on we're going to go sign you up for those lessons."

While I end up getting more backbone I still couldn't stand up to EM much still so through her making me I go all the way there a begrudgingly sign away $300 for these lessons. I end up dreading every week I have to go out for them and my driving is stunted on them and my teacher can tell but doesn't say anything eventually EM notices my lack of willing to take these lessons a few months in and goes up to me and says;


I start crying but I'm also very angry so I fire back saying;


EM: Well it doesn't matter now you're already so far in you're just going to have to deal with it for the rest of the lesson!"

I'm speechless, go to my room and cry my eyes out. Eventually the test day for my licence comes and in short I broke down during the test and failed and then when home and cried my eyes out there too. In between the next time jump the school tells me when to come back for the next test but I ignore it and never respond to their calls from that point and refuse to tell EM. Another year passes and the distance between us is at it's point EM and me are getting into constant arguments every month and she can tell that I hate her. Eventually one day EM says to me;

EM: "So hey we're thinking of driving down to Florida this year."

Me: "Okay?"

EM: "Well we don't have enough drivers for the trip so how about you get you licence so you can take turns with us and take me down there? :)"

Now I'm just dumbfounded, my anxiety in cars has only gotten worse mentally and the nightmares have still continued for 3 years at this point and I'm in no way any more comfortable inside a car to where I've been preferring to take the bus places instead! EM Notices my lack of response and says;

EM: "You know the crash back all those years wasn't your fault you have to just get over it."

Me: "Excuse me?! You blamed me for 3 years! and forced me to keep doing something I hated and made me very unhappy and uncomfortable! This and everything else you done has hurt me irreparably and now you want to say you're sorry?!"

EM: "God it's not that big of a deal you're gonna get your licence and drive us down to Florida alright, you are my son you should do this for your mother."

I realize after months of having back and forth with EM like this that there's no point in change her mind so I end up ignoring her begging and pleas and standing up for myself for months leading up to the drive down and EM ended up having to drive her self down and "deal with it". She hasn't bother me about driving since. Funny side thing though that year for my birthday no one celebrated it with me in my house I only learned from my younger sister later that it was cause EM said I didn't deserve anything and honestly that made me smile.

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