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EA=entilted Aunt

EK=Entilted Kid

Me= wOuLd YoU At ThAt! It'S mE!

B= brother(fine person)

a little background to this story.

my parents love each other but my mom dislikes my dad's brother and sister-in-law (neither do I) My dad likes to BBQ pulled pork and it's really good. He invites family and work friends over while sometimes I'll invite my friends. My high school had that day off but not the other ones so none of my friends could come which put me in a bad mood (Important for later. For some reason when everyone comes over people bring their kids, no one is our age. I think that they should get babysitters but IDC. I go into my room with a plate of food and turn on my Xbox. Like me, my dog doesn't like people so she hops on my bed. I roll over and kiss her I roll back and hear footsteps, little footsteps...... OH F*CK

EK: Doggy? Doggy come back. "oh hi [My name]! have you seen my dog..."

this for some reason got me a little annoyed. this kid is old enough, (I think 7-8) to know that it's not her Dog. She hasn't seen her yet because my bed is angled behind the door when you open it into my room.

Me: she might be here somewhere? I don't know.

She continues to look when I realize that my dog ran from her. I play some overwatch with my cousin who couldn't make it. We play some competitive matches. (for those who don't know, competitive mode is pretty serious. there are ranks and people take it seriously. If you don't take it for real and quit or be inactive for a couple games your account could get suspended or B A N N E D. I spent money on this game and loved it to death. I would feel awful if that happened. We kill some enemies and push a soon as that happens my character shifts left. That was odd, but it must have been me by accident I thought then he starts to shoot. I think that I need new batteries so I rush to get some. I come back to my aunt snickering as my cousin sits in the oversized chair and attempts to play. He dies.

Me: Oh, umm can I finish the game?

EA: you've been on for hours (no I haven't) it's EK's turn.

Me: I know, can I finish the game then you can have it?

EK: Fine. (she was a relatively good kid)

She hands me the controller as EA grunts.

I hear them whisper and snicker, probably "roasting" me.

She hops on my bed, which I hate when people do that for some reason, IDC why but I hate it. I let her tho and she pets my dog.

I eventually finish the game (we lost) and my cousin (the one I was playing with) got off because I brought him down a rank after the game.

I boot up another game as EK burst


Me: ohh I'm sorry-


Me: SHHHHH don't scare my dog! (She is a rescue and was in a violent neighborhood with a lot of gunshots. She hates people and loud noises )

I hand her the controller and she rips it from my hands. My dog jumps to my arms as I confront her. As EK plays casual, EA saw this and takes advantage.

EA: she looks really scared (my dog)

Me: yeah I know (I wonder why bitch)

EA: here let me hold her.

This hoe rips my dog from my hands and starts to violently pet her. I got sooo pissed but didn't move. EK drops my $50 controller (some software broke because I had to get a new one) and starts to pet her tail (pet, I mean pull)

EK: I like her!

EA: I know and she likes you! ( No She doesn't)

EK calls for her brother.

B: what EK

EK: B look at our new Dog

B laughs and walks away.

EA: what do you want to name her?

EK: Chocolate Chip muffin (she is a golden retriever)

EA: wonderful!

Me: hahaha that's cute, can I have her back? I need to comfort her, she is still shaking.

EA: Let her do it! she needs to practice since you are giving it to us!

Me:........ Mc' Scuse me B I T C H

EK: daddy talked with your daddy and we are getting her for my birthday.

first of all, this is MY DOG. Even if my dad wanted to do that, I'm not 10, I would have a say in this.

Me: no

EA: No? What do you mean? That is my dog.

me: that's MY dog.

I take my dog from EK and put her in my closet. (listen! I have a big closet because my school requires us to wear a shirt and a tie so I need a lot of space for a lot of shirts so my mom and I don't have to iron every day. + My dog has a bed in there under a table that she likes to sleep in sometimes.)

EA: Get her OUT!

EK cries for my dog. she says "I'm hurting her dog."

I have officially lost it


EA grabs me by the neck/shoulder part and tells me to apologize.

I just stand there shocked. I am a male high schooler and my dad is 6'5. I am taller than my dad and weirdly strong. Although I am big I am very gentle and sometimes a pushover. I don't understand my strength and worry I would hurt her, she is pretty small and I would be beaten by my dad. I stand there as I see the brat taking my Xbox from the wall. I try to break free from her grip and accidentally shove her, she falls onto my bed and I can't help to laugh a little. She calls for her husband saying "I attacked her" I grab My Xbox and put on the top shelf in my closet. My dog is having a panic attack so I go to comfort her. EU walks in and starts to yell at me. I ignore and keep petting my dog as he tries and grabs my dog. My dog my dog my dog my dog. She Bites him he jerks back and grabs the snout of my dog, squeezing. I deck him in the head knocking him off balance. My mom comes in and I explain to her what happens. She threatens to call the cops and they leave.

Sad news coming in.... continue if you want

My dog never recovered and eventually died because of trauma and heart issues. I never forgave my uncle, aunt, or cousin. they once went to my grandparents' house for a reunion, I was there too, they didn't talk to me until the aunt came up to me and said this, the audacity.

"I bet you're happy that dog is gone, it must have been a hassle."

I slapped her across the face and were asked to leave.

I hate them and will do forever

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