EM demands kids to beat me because her daughter accused me of hitting her

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ust a bit of context: back when i was 17 me and my friend did all kind of sports together. We took kick boxing classes, we worked out and we liked to go ice skating. We went out to go ice skating 2-3 times a week and we were really good at it.

Sidenote: we both are metalheads and the other teens couldnt stand metal so we didnt get along that well. They were constantly harrasing us and tried to push us around. Problem was: i was 180 cm and weighted 85 kg I was bulky af and i was practicing kick boxing 2-3 times a week. I was way stronger then all of these lil fkers and they were well aware of that fact. My friend on the other hand was 190 cm and weighted around 80 kg at that time and he looked more like a metalhead then I did, so he were a bit more intimidating I guess.

One day we both went out to just practice ice skating when my friend began to feel sick. He told me he was sorry and wanted to go home. I told him its no problem I stay just a bit longer and leave then too. As soon as he left the hall the arsehole gang lead buy an individual called Marco surrounded me:

Marco: why did you hit her.

Me confused: what you mean?

Marco pointed to a crying little girl (a friend of Marco. A 12 year old girl that had obviously a crush on him) we call her EK from now on

Marco: she told me you hit her right in the face and she would never lie to me.

Me: well obviously she is lying right now. Just look at her face no bruises no sign of violence i didnt do a thing to her, now leave me alone.

A tried to drive off but a kid kicked me from behind so I fell on the ice. They were laughing at me. I was slightly pissed at that moment, I'm quiet a calm human beeing but push me to far and I will hurt you. I pushed myself from the ice and got on my feed again.

Me: she is obviously lying and I dont want any trouble so im leaving now.

They felt safe because the outnumbered me 7 to 1. Fair if you ask me but some people just dont have any honour in their bones.

Marco: Shut up or you will regret it.

Marco grabs my throat. I got angry. I grabed his wrists really tight and with more force then i wanted I gave him a hard push on the chest. He stumbled backwards and fell on his bum. They were surprised by my resistance. I started to realise that these idiots just want to beat me to a pulp and because one cant fight on the ice I wanted to leave. I drove off put on my shoes and left the hall. Of course they followed me. I went outside and there I saw her: a fat lady in her mid 40s waddling towards us. A reaosoable adult I hoped, maybe the situation could be solved without violence.

Marco from behind: That's him!

Fk. Suddenly it hit me: This fat lady is the mother of EK. EK kid called her to get me into trouble.

EM: How dare you hit my daughter.

Me: I didnt do shit. Look at her face she is not even hurt at all.

EM: shut up punk! You will pay for this!

Me: Good. Lets call the police so that we can solve this problem.

EM: Hah! All policemen are idiots that cant do their job properly! EK. Did this arsehole hit you?

EK with fake tears in her eyes: yeah he punched me full force in the face.

Me: what! Thats a lie.

EM: I told you to shut up! Thats all the evidence we need. Marco! Beat him up like he did to my daughter!

Marco: get him.

At this point I was surrounded and also a bit scared. Two younger boys attacked me from the front. I went to my defence stance to block their attacks. I still thought about a way to get out of this situation I simply wanted to run away and leave this idiots behind. Suddenly i got hit from the left side. The tallest of them punched me on my upper jaw. That was a mistake! I turned to the left and threw a hard punch at him he tried to evade but my fist connected with his nose. Blood! Blood everywhere. The tall guy turned away in pain but my rage continued. I pushed one of the guys in front of me away and kicked the other as hard as i could into his stomach. He stumbled over his feet and fell backwards into EM and EK agile as they where they couldnt evade in time so they fell too. EK hit her head on the ground and started to cry. Served her well, she got what she deserved. The other Kids just stood there in disbelieve. I was shaking. My hand hurt like hell but i felt really good.

EM: you will regret this! I will not forget this!

Me: yeah whatever.

I pointed to the tall guy. He was still bleeding like a stabbed pig.

Me: thats how it looks like if I would punch you in the face.

I turned and left. Of course EM, Marco and the others knew me. I got sued two days later: Harassement, sexual harassement (i tried to abuse the EK) and assault. This whole shit went to court and they all lied together and told their fake story to the judge. They stated that I had attacked the kid and they tried to stop me but couldnt because im a bulky kick boxer. (At least that was true). Luckily for me the staff of the ice skating hall saw everything. Also an old lady that passed by at that day stated that I got attacked and was just defending myself. The judge found me innocent and pressed charges against EM, Marco, the tall guy and the two idiots that hit me. I got paid a bit over 2000 €. From the money I bought my PC.

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