EM drops her newborn in my arms and claimed I stole her

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As always: Me = yours truly, EM = Entitled Mom. F1 = EM friend no.1. F2 = EM friend no.2. M = Manager. No entitled kid in this one.

So, as I said, I was working in a costume shop around Halloween. Very fun place to work at, getting along with everybody and people are glad to be here to pick up costumes. All is going well, it's early afternoon on a Saturday and there's a lot of people in the shop.

[Just as an aside before I keep going, DO NOT take young kids/babies to a shopping center early afternoon. They should be napping at that time. Tired kids + shopping mall will only go wrong. Ok I'm done, moving on.]

Then I see 3 ladies looking at costumes. They're probably in their late twenties or early thirties. One of them has a little girl around 2-3 yrs old in a stroller dozing off and the other a baby that looks no older than a month in her arms. I go over to them to ask if they need any help finding a costume. They start right off the bat complaining about the prices and how the stretch marks from childbirth (?) are gonna show in all costume (like either of those things are my fault). But I stay calm and polite and try to do my job to get this over with as fast as possible. Then the newborn baby gets fussy and starts crying. The mom looks SOOOOO annoyed and just lightly rocks the baby to calm her (I learned her name and gender later on) but pays her no more attention than that. Baby keeps crying, hungry maybe? Full diaper? Or maybe there was just to much noise and she got scared Idk... Then the conversation went like this:

EM: Argh... Just stop crying already! (to her friends) I just fed her like... 3 hours ago! [for those not familiar with babies, that's more than enough for a newborn to get hungry again]

F1: She'll settle down soon, don't worry about it.

EM: Yeah, but I've got to pick up the costume today I can't do anything with just her wailing like that!

F2: Just put her down til' you're done or something.

EM: Hey you (almost DROP the baby in my arms) be a dear and take Cath while I choose my costume.

At that point, I'm just too baffled to talk... I just stand there with baby Cath in my arms. Now tbh, I love babies and kids and I hate to see a crying baby unattended and I'm already an experienced babysitter at that point in time. So I just lay her in my arms, rock her gently and I start softly singing a song my mum would sing to me when I was little.

EM: Could you stop that?

Me: What?

EM: That annoying song! I'm losing focus on what I'm doing. Besides what kind of nursery rhyme is that? (It was more of a poem than a song, written by an old but very famous songwriter)

Me: Just a little song to calm her down...

EM: Well stop. It's annoying.

Me: Look Mrs, you put her in my arms. I'm just trying to help her.

EM: Are you implying I can't take care of my kid?!

Me: You did drop her in my arms while you do something else and I'm a complete stranger...

F2: Well it's your job!

Me: No, I'm not a babysitter here... I'm here to help with the costumes.

EM: Give her back to me! (she almost yanks the baby out of my arms, which makes her cry much louder than before, one of my colleagues, who was the shop responsible at that moment so let's call her manager, comes and ask if everything is alright)


Me: What? No, I, it's...

EM: I WANT HER FIRED RIGHT NOW! CALL SECURITY! (her friend with no kids runs outside to get a security officer, then she looked at me with so much evil in her eyes the Devil would have backed away)

M: What happened here?

Me: I came by to ask if they needed help and...


On that note, security comes running in. Everybody is looking at us and I've never felt so embarrassed or scared in my life before. But lucky me, we have cameras in the shop. So after I tried explaining what happened and EM always cutting me, the guard asks to see the videos. Which me and M gladly accept. The guard took me, M, EM with her baby and her friends to the security office and we watched the video. There was no audio but you didn't need it to see she was the one at fault and how she dropped the baby in my arms on her own accord. The officer tells me I can go back to work or stay with them until the police and CPS come. EM just FREAKED OUT when he spoke of Child Protection but he told her she was an irresponsible mother and how he had reasons to doubt about her capacity to take care of her baby since she could just hand her over to stranger so easily. Needless to say I stayed and told everything to the police when they arrived. The friends tried to defend her at first but they got really quiet once the police arrived. The officers offered me to press charges (assault and false accusations) but since she really didn't do anything to me I declined. I was more worried about the baby but they assured me she would be fine. When they took her and her baby, if looks could kill I wouldn't be writing about this story now... She was yelling insults at me, calling me a shitty brat, a sl*t and a crazy b*tch again.

Since I didn't press charges I don't really know what happened after that. CPS did call me again to confirm my testimony but that's it. I can only hope that baby Cath is safe and loved!

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