Bennett*Take Away and Caviar

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"You could've warned me," (Y/N) forced out through teeth clenched in a fake smile, nodding to passers-by.

"I forgot," Bennet said, barely moving his lips, giving the typical guy nod to some old man walking past.

"You absolute nonce,"

Queue the cliché flashback to earlier.

Surprisingly the school day had went smoothly and even flew by. A bug must be going around the staff since 2 teachers were on the sick and the cover looked like he would soon join them. First period was taught by Miss Edwards who defiantly had a hangover and second was taught by Miss Nelson who was equally as out of it. not to mention it was a Friday and teachers aren't paid enough to care for 5 days a week.

They had a routine for leaving school. Bennett, (Y/N), and Naomi met at the salt bin (the thingy they put grit in for snow) in the parking lot and Jordan and Declan would wait till they saw each other to sprint to the car. Bennett however liked to play the 'let's move the car game' on his free period. Then it was a stop somewhere for food then dropping people off or going to the base. Simples.

This time Naomi was walking out with Bennett and (Y/N), holding hands with Bennett opting to carry both their bags, when Jordan and Declan suddenly ran past them. The three shared different expressions; Bennett had basically none and wasn't slightly surprised, Naomi served embarrassment up on her red face, and (Y/N) rolled their eyes, surprised no one had been trampled.

The trio didn't speed up and strolled to the car. However, they froze when they saw the car. Declan and Jordan stood a couple feet away from the black Mercedes, basically in line and tied, just staring at the brat sitting on the hood with a dress bag.

When Bentley looked up he saw his brother and slid of the hood. "Benn-"

"Don't you ever touch my cars. Got it?" Bennett's normal threatening tone was empty, but this had a tinge of anger and ice. Bentley rolled his eyes, "I said got it?" Bennett walked up to the brat, long strides looked short with his long legs.

"Calm down. No scratches, see?" Bentley went to knock on the hood where he'd been sitting. Bennett grabbed his hand before he could, not breaking eye contact, "Touchy. Fail another class?"

Another? The musketeers all thought. Bennett may not care about much in school, but he wasn't failing. He needed maths and all his cookery subjects for his future and his mum had been passionate about English before what happened happened so there was no way he'd flunk that. Plus, the boy was fit so PE was a breeze.

Bennett didn't care. "Get back to kindergarten. He pays enough for you to go," In all the time (Y/N) had known Bennett he never really said father. Never dad.

"So hostile. Father should've put you in touch with Sensi Joel. Get out some of that anger,"

"I could think of something," Jordan muttered. Neither Frazier cared. Bennett never waved his money in their face, but Bentley's entitlement oozed out his skin like sweat.

"Why are you here?" Bennett asked.

"Father told me to drop of your suit for tonight. Your style can be...questionable,"


"For the foundation," Bentley reminded him. Only Bennett understood, "You haven't forgot have you? You know how much it would mean to-"

"I'll be there," Bennett cut him off.

Bentley smile didn't reach his eyes, "I look forward to it. and bring that one with you," He nodded towards (Y/N) who held their finger up, pointing to themselves with a questioning look, "Yes. I believe he is still holding your bag? Out of all of you, you'll clean up the nicest,"

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