They teach you to defend yourself

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A/N: I'm back! Schools over and my sanity has returned so posts will/should become regular.


After the lost boys got a bit too cocky and started coming into the Musketeers territory, Bennett got a little scared. Or a lot scared.

He had been distant the past couple days and you didn't understand why. When you finally confronted him, he told you how he was worried about you.

This conversation leads to where you are now. "I'm not learning how to shoot someone." You said in a deadpanned voice.

Bennett kept holding the gun out "Please. For me?"

"Your asking me to shoot a gun! Not do your homework." You sighed putting your hands on your hips. "I'm not doing it."

"You need to know how to protect yourself." Bennet pointed out, finally putting the gun down. "I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt."

You walked over to him and hugged him, which he instantly returned. "Then teach me to fight, not shoot. You know I don't like guns."

"Okay." He sighed. He pulled back, standing in some weird position "Copy what I'm doing."

"Wait? Right now? C'mon, I want to eat that cake we made." You groaned. When he didn't budge you groaned dramatically but went into the position "Happy?"

For about half an hour Bennett showed you simple fighting techniques. And the day after that, and the day after that, until you could now tackle Declan down in under 10 seconds.

It came in handy a few months later when Bentley tried to take you to his house as leverage to go to Bennett. He didn't stand a chance.


You already had basic understanding about how to protect yourself. You knew how to use your keys as weapons and to S.I.N.G. from Miss Congeniality but that was it.

However, this didn't help at school. One time when the musketeers all got suspended Raymond and friends decided to pay you a visit. You and Naomi both smelled like trash for days. Seeing what was in the school bins traumatized you.

This lead to Jordan showing you how to take someone down without breaking any bones. Turns out trying to S.I.N.G. against 6 guys isn't easy. At all.

Training with Jordan was fun. After you got over your muscles feeling like they were burning. "Your actually pretty good." Jordan told you after another session.

You now had muscles forming on your arms "I know." You grinned "Better than you probably."

He raised an eyebrow "Try me. Come on. Right here, right now. Try take me down" As Jordan tried to egg you on you had already started.

Before he even finished his mini speech, he was on the ground, you on top, pinning his arms down. His eyes trailed your body shamelessly "I think you need more lessons like this." He murmured.

You hummed in agreement before doing a different type of training session.

In the end you only ever needed those lessons once. Raymond had been making rumours up and you didn't take kindly to that.

You don't know what he's more embarrassed of, the fact he got taken down by a girl, or the fact he screeched like one.


Declan liked sports and training and all that jazz. And obviously you enjoyed watching it.

One of the times Declan was doing his sets, with you watching of course, he said "You know you could join in?"

"Yeah right" You laughed "I don't do exercise"

"Scared you can't keep up?" He mocked.

You glared "Hand me those weights." This short conversation leads to you trying to get to his level to beat him. it didn't work, even slightly. He would always let you win.

The one time he didn't go easy on you, you were only on your feet for a couple seconds. For some reason this made you self-conscious.

That night you distanced yourself from the group. "Are you ok?" Declan had pulled you aside to ask.

"Yeah" You shrugged. He gave you a look and you sighed. "Ok no. I-I want to know how to fight. What if that was a lost boy and not you. What happens then?" You pouted.

Declan wrapped his arms around you and stroked your hair "I'll teach you. Properly. But remember, I'll always be there to protect you."

You smiled at him, hiding your grin. Your only goal was to take Declan down.

Eventually you achieved your goal when you surprised him at his house, pining him down easily. "No fair!" He cried "I didn't even know you were here!"

"That was the point" You grinned.

Unfortunately, those lessons would pay off. I say unfortunately because once the Lost Boys found out about you, you became a target. You ended up getting jumped by a small group of them. 3 or 4. But it was enough to leave you with bruises and a black eye.

You got away though, which was the main point. And after that Declan made sure you could protect yourself.


Naomi was fast, sure, but she wasn't a fighter. She's so tiny and fragile. Well in yours and the boy's eyes. But instead of trying to protect you physically, she showed you how to do it emotionally.

She had, unfortunately, been bullied most of her life, meaning she knew how to take the hate. And when you transferred to her school you had to learn to as well.

Being Jordan's little sister, dating Naomi, and being 'weird' made you a perfect target. You knew how to defend yourself physically, you basically had 3 older gang brothers. No one dared touch a hair on your head.

Naomi had found you in your bed, crying, one night after a particularly bad day. More than one rumour had been spread and kids from your old school had teamed up with your new school.

"Screw them" Naomi told you "they don't know you. Your great, smart, funny, and perfect."

It took a couple days, but she taught you how to deflect their hate and what responses were best and when.

You wouldn't have made it through school without her.


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