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Bennett got jealous but he also got quiet. Bennett could sometimes get insicure. Not majorly but a little bit. He actually didn't get jealous too often.

If he did he would either quietly stew and stand back. As soon as you were leaving though he would make sure to look at the person he was jealous of as he walked out, with his arm over your shoulder, then turn to kiss you on top of your head.

Other times if the person was being waay too flirty or close he'll go stand next to you. He might be a bit subtle at first, holding your hand, little compliments, drop a couple hints, but if their really that oblivious he'll put his arm over your shoulder and pull you closer. He'll also use words like babe more often.

But eventually if they don't stop or he's just being more jealous than usual he'll say "We've got to get to our date reservations. See ya" and essentially drag you away.


Jordan may put out that he's confident but really he can get insicure really easily. It also meant he got jealous easily. But when that happened all he would do is try get your attention.

He would act like everything was normal but he would do anything to get your focus on him. Jumping into conversations, saying "babe, babe, babe," over and over, telling jokes and doing party tricks. Or just being generally stupid.

You normally caught on after you talked to him about it but sometimes you didn't even realise he was jealous. You thought he was just being annoying. This lead to you snapping at him a few times.

He would turn into a sad panda. When you finnaly realised you would go to find him quick. You told him he was all you could hope for but he didn't always see it.


Most people assumed he was insanely jealous. He was.

You had talked to him about it a few times. His excuse was always that he wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt or break their hearts. Most people wouldn't flirt with you if they knew Declan. You were strictly off limits. This meant you wouldn't get hit on in school but sometimes you would outside.

Like the time you were at the movies and some guy started flirting with you while Declan wa queing for popcorn. You ignored the guy, playing on your phone, but he was persistant.

"Old friend?" Declan asked as he walked over. The guy looked him over, face paling slightly when you shook your head. "Oh do you need directions or something? Why else would you be talking to my date?"

"Y-yo-your r-right. I-I was looking for um the eh rest-rest room. Bye"



Naomi never got jealous. Or at least you thought.

Never once did she act jealous or try to assert herself. This kinda annoyed you so you talked to your brother. You figured Jordan had to know something.

"I dunno," He spoke with his mouth full of ice cream "Try flirting with someone in front of her." Although you could barely understand him you took his advice.

The mad hatter had been training a new waitress so when she took the gangs order you slid in some compliments and flirts. This lead to curious looks from the gang and the girls number being left on the recept.

When you got back to the base Naomi was kinda silent and no one pushed her. "Hey can you help me with the wifi (Y/N)?" Jordan went to offer to help but she grabbed your hand and took you upstairs.

You don't know how it happened but you realise your on the bed making out with your girlfriend. You pulled back for a moment. "Your jealous?" You asked, holding back a grin.

"Always." She mumbled before kissing you again. You weren't complaining.

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