Preference 11*Mental Illness

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They find out you have a mental illness. Not meant to offend and I hope this doesn't.

Also I know insomnia isn't exactly a mental illness but it goes hand and hand with a lot of them and I didn't want to put a different one in and get something wrong.

Mental illness is unique to all. Not everyone had the same compulsions and obssesions with OCD, different triggers with anxiety and different symptoms. These will mostly be partly generilised.

Bennett: Anxiety

You guys were sitting in the base and watching a movie while waiting for Bennett to finish dinner. Naomi was on one armchair, Declan on the other and Jordan on the opposite end of the couch. You were leaning back with my eyes closed. You had a headache and a familiar knot was building in your stomach. You hated this feeling. You felt sick and like the world was going to crash into you. The worse part was you had ran out of your medicine. You had told your mom the other day that you were running out and  she had said you would be able to get a refill but not till tomorrow. You began tapping your leg and tapping your fingers.





"Can you stop that?" You opened your eyes to see Naomi looking at you, "I'm trying to read." You mumbled an apology and brought your legs up on the couch, hugging your knee's. A few minutes later Bennett, your boyfriend, came in. He said that it would be half an hour and he sat down next to you. He put his arm around your waist and pulled you over slightly. You were leaning on him and the lump was still growing. Your mind was racing of terrible thoughts. 'What if the lost boys found you?' 'What if a fire started and you couldn't call anyone or you would be exposed?' 'What if your parents found out about all of this? About this place? The gang? The guns? Bennett?'. All of this was racing and you began 'shutting down' as you called it. It was really called an anxiety attack but it was the same thing in your mind. You were beginning to shake slightly and you were getting clammy.

"You ok?" Bennett asked. 'Oh no' you thought 'he noticed'. You nodded and buried your head in his shoulder. It was crashing down and you could feel a few tears building up. One blink, one tear was all it took. He felt a tear fall on his neck and he picked you up bridal style before walking into the kitchen. He sat you on the counter and gently grabbed your face, making you look at him. Your breathing was increasing and you felt terrible.

"Babe, what is it? And I know you aren't ok. Your shaking, sugar." In that moment, although you tried to keep it in, you spilled everything. You asked your questioned and almost ran out of breath each time. You said how your prescription wasn't ready and you were panicking. He pulled you forward and hugged you to his chest, saying it was alright. Nothing was wrong.

"Do you want to go lay down?" You nodded and walked upstairs to his room while he went to the living room. He told them you two were going to lay down and that Naomi was to take the food out at half past six. You two lay in his bed, cuddling, with him reassuring you that everything was fine. 

Jordan: OCD

You were in school next to the lockers. You had just came from science and were later than everyone else.

"There you are babe, what took so long?" Jordan asked, putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Just had to clean up some stuff from science." You delibretly pulled your sleaves over your hands slightly. They were dry and red from washing them so much. That's what took so long, you were scrubbing your hands 5 times. You did everything 5 times because it made you more comfterable (change if that's not your fav no.).

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