How You Sleep

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Bennett: He feels the need to protect you, always. Even when asleep. He sleeps on his front, his arm over you, while you curl into his side. Sometimes he'll fall asleep on his side because he had stayed up playing with your hair. Despite your slight displeasure, one hand is normally under the pillow, not far from his gun. It's actually not loaded though because you know, he isn't insane. But anyone waving a gun about would scare someone.

Jordan: Jordan thought he liked to have his own space. Thought. He'd cuddle and hug you whenever you wanted but after you both said 'night' he rolled onto his side to sleep. At first, you let him but as time went on you didn't care. So Jordan involuntarily became the little spoon. It was like having a clingy backpack. Jordan faked complained about it but if for some reason you fell asleep, without cuddling him he'd pout silently.

Declan: Since Declan didn't like PDA you assumed he wouldn't like cuddling at night but if you don't cuddle he'll get legitimately offended. You'll lay half on his torso while he'd use his free hand to turn the light off, and his 'trapped hand' to play with your hair. Sometimes you'll switch it up. If either of you has a bad day they become the little spoon. If you both had a bad day you'll lay basically on top of him, your head buried into his neck. Jordan saw it once when he'd barged in and called t sickeningly adorable how you sleep.

Naomi: At first neither of you wanted to cuddle. Well, you did, but you were way too awkward to initiate. However after one long night of stress with the gang and studying you basically collapse on top of her, refusing to move. After you basically laid on top/across her neither of you had an issue cuddling. You take turns between being the little or big spoon.

Bently: You don't often get to sleep in the same bed so when you do you like to see him. You'll end up falling asleep mid convo meaning you sleep facing. If he'd been playing with your hair sometimes it's still there in the morning. Other times in the middle of the night you'll get closer. But you always sleep face to face.

A/N: I added Bently, how do you feel? 

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.  had my laptop whipped so now I don't have word, or spell check, and Grammarly isn't great on wattpad.

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