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Ahh I haven't updated this in a week!

Sorry but I've been busy :(. School has been busier since I've got, like 4 assignments and teachers are upping the work load since prelims are in December.

Also it wont be better in November since I'm doing nanowrimo...yay? I'm scared, wish me luck. If you don't know, to sum up nanowrimo quickly I basically write the first draft of a novel that contains 50,000 words. That means 1667 a day....send help.

I probably write 1500-2000 words a day but that's for fanfics and such so this will be harder. Because of that I will be posting less but I will still try and post! Basically bear with me please.

This is just a quick update, so sorry no content :(

If you're doing nanowrimo and want to add me my username is axelsage (because I'm unoriginal) and links don't work on wattpad, even though I wish they did, so I can't link it.

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