Caught PT2

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Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Sniffle, cough, sneeze, sniffle, cough, sneeze.

When will that damn bell ring? I glare at the clock hanging on the faded lime green wall, more crusted in paint than the English sub teaching the class. Teaching being used loosely. Instead of analyzing a poem or book she's determined to have the class analysis imagery like "abs of steel". If Jordan flings one more balled up paper you swear to god-"Jordan!" I grit through my teeth, determined to whisper. I whip around, glaring. He slowly raised his hand and flings another ball with the flick of his wrist.

Slightly forgetting it was a school, not the base you got up, walking over to him. He smirked and nodded to the front. I looked and saw the sub glaring at you, "Just getting a pencil," she hummed as if to say sure in the most condescending tone.

I grabbed a pencil off his desk, trudging back to your desk. I'd settled for a moment when I felt something hit your head. Before you got a chance to yell the door opened, "Mr. Mali-you're not Mr. Malik?" I couldn't help but grin when I heard Declan's voice. I heard Jordan 'oohing' and the smile dropped.

"I know," the sub grinned, standing and walking over. God she was trying to look 22, not 42. "He had an headache," the class sniggered, remembering the few stories Mr. Malik had told them. "but I'm here," can she stop flirting with my underage boyfriend?

"Um Mr. Hood is asking for (Y/N). they missed a test,"

The woman huffed, "Okay. You," she pointed her bad manicured hand at me, "Go with this gentleman," Standing, confusion hidden by my glare, I walk to the door, muttering 'you mean my man'. "Pardon?"

"Nothing Mrs,"

"It's Miss,"

"I can see why," Declan muttered.

Once in the hall, the door shut, Declan sped up walking in the wrong direction, "Where are we going?" I asked. Declan shushed me. "First of all, how dare you? Second of all, I don't take music-"

"She doesn't know that," he gave a dopey smile, not turning to open a classroom door "But I did book the music room so..." he led us into the music room. It wasn't romantic. It was a music room with cheap instruments badly stored and a messy teacher's desk since Mr. Hood never cleaned up.

I rose an eyebrow, "With all these cameras?"

"Not in the studio,"

The studio was a cupboard with crappy soundproofing on the wall and a laptop and mic set up to record instruments. There were also a couple of chairs, one of which Declan sat in with me facing him on his lap.

It's a good thing theirs no cameras as his hands slid down my sides, landing on my waist then butt. Mine tangled in his hair, not even worried about being missing. Nothing could ruin this bliss apart from "Well that isn't a piano,"

Declan basically flings me off him, panting slightly. I stumble a little and end up on my butt on the floor, panting and looking up. "Sir-I-" Declan tried.

"When I said you could use my room, this isn't what I meant," Mr. Hood stood in the studio doorway, trying to suppress a smirk or laugh. "Now help (Y/N) up,"

"Right, right," Declan said, rushing to help me up, "Sir, I can explain-"

"Please don't," Mr. Hood grimaced, "That's borderline illegal for me to know. I was a teen, I can fill in the gaps," We nodded, looking at the ground, "Your friend was sent out looking for you so I'm glad nothing came off," I coughed awkwardly, hoping he'd move and let us out the cupboard.

Luckily he stepped back, ushering us out of the cupboard looking at the door, "Sir, I'm sorry. Please don't give us detention or call our parents or..." I listed a couple different punishment in panic as he wrote something on a post-it note.

"Don't give me ideas," he peeled the note off and handed it to me, "Go back to class. Next time, not a classroom. Or not in school at all. It's not like security is strict," Is he seriously telling us to ditch? "Just promise me one thing?"

"Of course," Declan and I said in sync.

Mr. Hood opened the class door, ushering us out the class, "Make sure you don't skip health class. I don't want to see any more of you for at least 20 years,"

Declan and I let out a sigh of relief until we heard a wolf whistle. Turning to see Jordan, grinning, "The sub's looking for you. Oh, and nice,"



There was one important rule in the base, no going into (Y/N) or Naomi's room. This was to avoid any awkward catching each other changing moments or seeing something no man wants to see, despite (Y/N) protesting the Musketeers weren't men.

However, there was one flaw in their rule, they could go into each other's room. The rule was set out to avoid anything sexual and Naomi was currently on top of you, making out as you played some random video encase any noises escaped.

One evening while Bennett made dinner and Declan whooped Jordan on the Xbox, Naomi and (Y/N) went to study biology. Specifically, autonomy, and especially each other.

Naomi pulled back, you follow slightly, but she gently pushed you down, sitting up, "Did you hear that?"

"Nope," you grinned bringing her face back down. She seemed hesitant, "It's probably just Jordan."

She nodded, "your right. Now, where were we?"

Your hand found the back of her neck bringing her closer, while the other rested on her butt. One of her hands pushed your shirt up a little, tracing circles on your hip. The other hand tangled in your hair.

Maybe because you were laying on a bed it looked worse but a loud "What the fuck?" made you freeze. Not even moving, you and Naomi turn your heads to look at the door to see Bennett standing there, in shock. "Dinners ready," he muttered, "I don't think I can eat now," his voice, barely above a whisper.

"Bennett! Are you serving this or what?" Naomi tried to scramble off you when you heard Jordan's footsteps stomping up the stairs. "Oh my god!" Naomi managed to get off but landed on the floor. "Naomi-(Y/N)-Naomi-(Y/N). my friend, my sister, my protégé, my enemy," Jordan murmured, face distorted, "who the fuck am I meant to yell at?!" his volume made us all flinch.

So, Declan decided to join. "What happened?" he popped his head in the door.

"They were having sex-"

"No, we weren't!"

Bennett coughed awkwardly, "(Y/N) pull your top down,"

"See!" Jordan yelled. "I- I mean- but- I can't. I'm going to go jump off the roof!"

Bennett looked distraught, "I don't think I'll ever eat again. I love food," he said like someone just ran over his cat and put it on his plate.

Declan scratched his head, "I think I should be proud of you both?"

None of us had time to process before we heard the distinguishable sound of the fire escape leading to the roof opening. "Jordan!"

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