Bennett*Whats Wrong?

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Somethings have been up with Bennett. He's been avoiding me or being cold and stiff. Well more than usual. The guys reassured me it was nothing. But then I overheard this...

"Dude you've got to stop icing (Y/N)" Jordan said. I stop in my tracks, hand still hovering over the door handle, door partly open.

"Don't roll your eyes. (Y/N) is worried. It's not our job to comfort them because you're a shit boyfriend," Declan must be in there too.

I hear Bennett groan "It's nothing,"

"Nothing doesn't equal (Y/N) clearly holding back tears last night," Declan says, and I can hear the sharpness in his voice. My hand drops to my side, "I get you don't do emotions but that's kinda what a relationship is,"

"You don't get it," Bennett says. "I'm going to make dinner,"

"You can't avoid your problems!" Jordan calls after him.

When I hear the kitchen door close with a thud I take a deep breath and enter, "Hey guys," I fake a normal smile. "Sup?" They share a look but say nothing about it.

Dinner is amazing, as always, and we all sit around the living room as we eat. "Good news," I say. Most of the gang look up but Bennett just hums and glances at me, "I convinced my dad to let me have a sleepover at Naomi's,"

"Huh?" Naomi's face scrunches up.

I smirk "And I texted your mum from your phone," Naomi pats her pocket where her phone had been, "Here," I chuck her phone back and she glares, "That your crashing at mine tonight. So that means...Musketeer sleepover!"

Jordan does a whoop whoop, Naomi shrugs with a grin, and even Declan seems a little happy about it, "Let me text home but I'm sure it'll be fine," He says. I feel like secretly Declan's a goody two shoes at home.

"Cool. What 'bout you two?" I ask Jordan and Bennett.

Jordan shrugs "Mums going out anyway. Girls night so she won't care,"

"Your mums so cool, it's not fair," I whine, "And we all know Bennett's fine to stay, right?"

"Huh?" He looks up "Um yeah sure. I'm kinda tired though so I might go to bed early,"

I nod, a grin on my face, "Let the sleepover commence!"

The night was going relatively well. Watching good movies, play video games, losing the game, watching Jordan and Declan scrap, ordering takeout despite eating dinner. The good stuff.

The only reason the night wasn't perfect was Bennett. It's not that he was ruining it but that he wasn't into it. He was glum and silent all night.

"I'm going to bed. Night," he says.

I glance at the time on my phone. It's only 10'30. As he stands I stand too "I'll join you. Got a bit of a headache." It's not like he can say no so he nods. I can tell he doesn't want me too though. They all can.

As we walk out I hear Jordan mumble "Good luck,"

I follow Bennett up the stairs and into his room that's basically our room. He sits on the bed, but I stay standing.

"What's up?" I cross my arms.

"Nothing," he mutters, lying back. "It's nothing,"

"No, this relationship feels like nothing," he sits up straight away "And it looks that way. You need to actually talk to me."

"We are talking,"

"No Bennett!" I almost yell "What the hell is up with you? You've stopped being you. It's like every time I try and have a conversation you- "

"I'm scared!" I flinch at his outburst. He stands up "Okay? I'm scared. Fucking terrified even. And it's all because of you,"


He runs a hand through his hair, gripping it at the end, "I'm worried I can't keep you safe. That one day instead of the lost boys aiming at me they'll hit you. And now I've dragged you into a world where you are actually in danger. This isn't some joke. They have guns now not slingshots anymore."

Bennett sinks down onto the bed, defeated. I walk over and crouch in front of him, forcing him to look at me, "Hey, life's scary. Everything's dangerous. I think I almost died last night when Jordan made food- "

"Jordan was in my kitchen?"

"Shh!" I cut him off. Finally, he makes eye contact, "And if it makes you feel any better those lessons you guys gave me will help keep me safe,"

"You only know the basics," he mumbles.

"Then teach me more," I sigh "But don't distance yourself. That hurts me more than any gun."

He sighs "Its just scary. Like when I wake up I always want to call you to make sure no one got to you when we were apart. I'm always worried," a couple tears slip.

I wipe his tears away "Its okay. Tomorrow we'll call somewhere, get you some help. But I promise I'm safe. You don't always have to be there to protect me,"

"But I want to be," I stand up and sit next to him, "Can you sleep here tonight? I don't wanna be alone,"

"Now you know how I felt," he looks away, ashamed, "If you promise from now on you'll talk to me, then yes. I'd be happy to stay here,"


We end up cuddled up in bed, swapping between being the big and small spoon. "What's that under your pillow?" I ask as I lay my head on something hard.

"Um...a gun?"

"What?!" I shoot up and turn to face him, "You have panic attacks when I don't reply in 5 minutes but sleeping on a firearm is safe?!"

"It isn't loaded. I'm not an idiot,"

I give him a look "Really? Then why have it?"

He looks at me in the eyes "Because when someone wakes me up and come face to face with a grumpy sleep deprived teen with a gun you run,"

"And if they don't?"

"Theirs a loaded one in the drawer,"


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