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"Keep your head down, grades up, and for the love of God don't get caught," My 'brother' Vince said as he pushed my backpack into my chest.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed it off him, slinging it over my shoulders, "I'm not an idiot,"

"Neither are they. Do what we said, and it'll be fine. Got it?" I rolled my eyes but nodded along, "Alrighty then," he grinned, "Ready for your first day at school?"

"Your way too excited for this," I rolled my eyes as I got in his car, ignoring the bullet holes.

We weren't related, thank god, but he had been my next-door neighbour for the past 4 years. When I moved to this area with my family none of us wanted to be here, but unemployment and jobs forced us to move. My parents tried to shelter me from the gangs nearby, but you can't really when you live in their apartment complex.

Vince kept me right from day one. He didn't hide me from the gang just didn't mention me. The issue was I was a bit younger and looked 'too nice for this place' in their eyes. To keep everyone safe I just occasionally had to drop off packages. I never opened them, and I don't want to know.

One of the lost boys had an idea to spy on the musketeers by moving to their school. the issue was they would recognise them. So, it was my job.

Every morning I made my own way to school but now Vince would meet me and drive me to their school to go there. I don't know how they managed to enroll me all I know is they have Vince's number on file and my parents can't find out.

The car pulled up to a stoplight and Vince just looked at me, "See ya," I sighed, getting out the car.

"I'll meet you here after school. text me if anything changes," I nodded, "Don't be worried. What are they going to do at school?"

I don't want to think about that. The car drove as the light went green and I walked the last couple of blocks to school, heading straight to the office.

The whole situation was boring as they got my syllabus and explained all the rules. Didn't help that I had to confirm all the details that I only vaguely remembered. "Okay that's you," the receptionist said handing me a bit of paper, "You're in homeroom first," She went back to typing.

I stood there for a moment, "and how do I get there?"

With a sigh she looked up, all niceties gone. As she stared daggers at me, I didn't flinch as the boys trained me to do, a girl walked up. The receptionist turned to her with the same glare, "Yes?"

"Mr. Adams asked me to bring this since the registers are down," The girl looked at me and gave me a blank look. Remember I had to be friendly I gave a quick smile back. She copied though awkwardly.

"Um girl," The receptionist said, "Take the new student to homeroom, thanks,"

I rolled my eyes without thinking. The other girl looked at me and copied, "Yes miss," She started walking away and I followed, "Can I see your schedule?" she asked. I handed it over, "You're in my class. Just follow me (Y/N)," she said, handing it back.

"How do you know my name?" I paused.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "It's on your syllabus,"

My face flushed, "Sorry I um shouldn't of- "

"Yeah it's fine," she said as we continued walking, "I'm Naomi. Um just in here," we walked into a class of chaos. People were flinging paper balls, books were scattered, and half the class seemed to be sleeping. Including the teachers. "Yeah, it's not a great class," Naomi said with a grimace. "There's a spare seat behind us,"

Whose us? I didn't have time to ask as I ducked from a book being thrown. Classy. I hurried to follow Naomi who was sitting next to the tallest looking goth boy. she turned in her seat and pointed to a desk behind her. "Thanks," I mutter as I quickly dumped my stuff and sat down.

The boy she was next to, who defiantly didn't look like one of her friends, didn't move but the two boys in front wiped around looking directly at me. Crap, look down, pull out your phone. Do something! I told myself.

Their eyes went to Naomi, "Who's that?" one of them asked.

"Jordan," I heard Naomi hiss. She cleared her throat, "That's (Y/N), they're new,"

The boy, Jordan I assume, leaned back in his chair stretching his hand out between the goth and the nerd for me to shake, "Jordan Wallace, the better friend," he said.

The boy beside him rolled his eyes, "I'm Declan, the one who doesn't lie,"

"I'm not lying!" Jordan said.

"Sure, you're not," Declan rolled his eyes. "What about my French homework?"

"Okay are you still not over that? That was like what? A day ago, now."

"I'm going to kill you."

"No need to be hostile," Jordan began to smirk.

"If you tow doesn't calm it, I'll kill both of you," The goth boy all but yelled. They both rolled their eyes and turned around, still bickering. He looked over his shoulder at me, "Bennett, and yes there always that stupid," he said, turning back and sulking again.

"He's not a morning person," Naomi said in an apologetic tone.

"Its. Okay," I said. "Wait what were their names? I'm not great with them," I said, checks red. Did I just find them?

"Oh, it's fine. That's Jordan, Declan, and Bennett," she said, pointing each out, "But trust me once you know them it's hard to forget,"

"Yeah," I muttered. The three musketeers sat right in front of me every morning and theirs a fourth one? Is this luck or a death sentence?

The class went on for another 15 minutes of chaos. As the bell rang, I got up, checking my schedule. "Hey what you in?" Naomi asked.

"Um, art with Mrs. Donley?" I said.

"Same, small world," Jordan grinned. "I'll walk you,"

"Good luck," Declan grimaced.

"Thanks. I'm sure it'll be fine,"

"No really, take the luck," Bennett said.

"I resent that,"

As they bickered Naomi turned to me, "Hey if you've got nowhere to sit at lunch find us. We've all been there,"

"Thanks," I said, annoyed how nice she was, "I'll remember that," I forced a smile on my face. Vince and his friends tried to teach me how to act as they said or lie as I would say.

"Ready (Y/N)?" Jordan asked.

"As I'll ever be,"

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