Who you used to date

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Bennett: Bennett was your 1st Boyfriend

Before Bennett you had never even been on one date and it was nothing serious. The only first you didn't lose to Bennett was your first kiss which happened when you were 11 to a neighbour you fancied. After the kiss you never talked. It wasn't a real kiss though. 

Jordan: Cameron

It was an amacable break up. You just didn't work out, something felt forced. Towards the end of your 6 month relationship neither of you were happy and would make yourself hang out. So one night you both sat down after his shift and talked it through. You decided to break up.

It wasn't a messy break up, screaming at each other. You hung out together sometimes but not a lot. Jordan found out when you went to the cafe he worked at with the gang.

When he was taking your orders he took Naomi's and the guys then turned to you and said "Let me guess... (Y/F/F) and a (Y/F/D)?"

"Yup. Im a creture of habbit." You joked. 

Naomi waited till he walked away before asking "What was that about?"

"Oh, we used to date." You shrugged it off as no big deal.

When you got back to the base Jordan asked to talk to you. You briefly discussed how you and Cameron used to date and why you broke up. You told him how he needn't worry about him and your pretty sure he fancies someone else. Jordan trusts you so doesn't worry when you go back to the cafe.

Declan: Raymond

Ah Raymond. The dickwad of your highschool. You dated for a couple months in freshman year. You would fight becuase you didn't agree with bullying people. You will admit you were kinda shallow and liked being liked. Who doesn't.

One lunch time you were walking into the canteen when you saw him fling something at Naomi. Ah Nerdy Naomi. A perfectly nice, smart girl who was picked on for no reason. You heard his friends laugh and it infuriated you.

You hadn't been to the same primary school (IDK what it's called in the US) so he didn't know you had been bullied. This high school was actually the 2nd closest as the closest to your house was full of bullies. And apparently so was this one.

You walked directly passed your normall table (with Raymond and his friends) with your head held up. You ignored their questioning, then angry, looks as you sat down with Naomi. Naomi looked at you skeptically but said nothing.

Raymond walked over to the table and asked "Babe, why are you sitting with the trash?"

"Oh, has no one told you? Were done."

Naomi: A girl from your old school named Kaylee

It wasn't serious. It was one of those on again off again relationships. You got tired of it and after 3 months called it off. For good. You met Naomi a week later anyway.

Kaylee hadn't been your first girlfriend. You had actually had quite a few girlfriends compared to Naomi. None were serious. It was like when you were 'in love' in primrary school were one day you love them and the next day you forgot.

Naomi was surprised when she found out how many partners you'd had. She only found out when you took her to meet your mom. You mom said she hopes Naomi sticks and Naomi heard. She asked what she meant and you told her. 

Naomi accepts its in the past though when she met Kaylee (you bumbed into each other on the street) she didn't like her. Not only did she think she was prettier (which you told her she wasn't) she was also one salty biatch.

Naomi was your first serious GF and also your last as you stayed together like your mom hoped.

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