Pick up line they use

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When Bennett tried to use a pick up line as a joke it didn't go as planned

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He managed to spit out after preparing himself for a few minutes. 

"Did you just CaLL Me SATAN?!"

"I-um- well, no. I meant, uh that-"

You caught on to his embarrassment so changed your answer to "No but I scrapped my knee crawling out of hell".

He wasn't done, surprisingly, and responded without missing a beat "I guess that's why you're hot as hell"


Jordan was bored since you had forced him to do his math homework. He tried to annoy you but so far you hadn't snapped. "Can you help me with this problem?" You looked up, slightly hopeful that he was actually doing something. "Its X + U = 25" This made you frown however. You were doing gradient.

"I think X must be 15, cause U'r a 10". You gave him a blank stare but he just grinned. You cracked after a few seconds and looked down as you smiled. He whooped in success and kissed your check. "I broke you!"


"Let me tie your shoes." Declan stopped you as you and the gang were heading to the movies. He crouched down and started tying your laces. "Don't want you falling for someone else." He joked. Naomi awed while Jordan made fake vomit noises. You blushed a bit and muttered a 'thanks'.


You and Naomi were laying in bed. You were on your laptop while she read. Well you assumed she was reading. In fact she was looking from the stars outside to yourself. Randomly she just said"If I had a star for every time you lit up my day, Id have a galaxy."

"Love you too, babe." You grinned at her and booped her nose.

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