Jordan*You're Cute When You're Angry

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Naomi was my best friends. Even though we both try to act like adults despite being teens the words still applied. I'd moved to her high school our freshman year. I came in a couple weeks late and didn't really get on with anyone. At lunch, I went to the library to eat in the back corner and so did she.

Deciding we were clearly both bad at the whole making friends thing we sat and ate together. Somehow that turned into a friendship. When you're new, opinionated, and friends with the weird kid you become the weird kid.

The bullying only pushed me and Naomi together. We coped with it together and patched up any bruises. Getting hit and kicked down wasn't nice but we picked each other up.

Until one day they pushed me to hard and I ended up stumbling into the road, getting tossed over a car. Somehow I only broke my leg, wrist, and a slight head injury. One of the guys had graduated the year before and the other was a year older than me. He got suspended then transferred school. the other guy got one night in the cells and bailed out.

Because of this incident, I was off school for about a month. During that month I felt bad for Naomi, knowing she'd be alone, but then she told me about the new kids. 3 new guys and a contract later and I'm forced to share my best friend.

They didn't not like me but I was the last to join in on (through Naomi's assistance) on the Starbucks contract.

Declan and I actually got kinda close, bonding over being completely over Jordan's actions. Bennett also kind of liked (in Bennetts 'i hate everyone' way) and how often we had to stop Jordan almost getting us or himself killed. And Jordan and I...well if you didn't notice the trend I don't like the guy.

It's not that he's a bad person its just he's kinda...cocky, arrogant, loud, not funny, rude, crazy (in a bad way), flirty, shameless, annoying, antagonizing, childish, slobby, and kind of insensitive. Apart from that...

Sitting in the base, forcing myself not to hit my head off a wall, I was subjected to Jordan singing very off key "Naomi and Bennett kissing in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, second comes marriage, then comes-"

"my fist in your face if you don't shut it," I chimed in, singing with an exaggerated smile on my face.

Jordan tutted "Manners cost nothing,"

I gave him a glare, "Then why don't you pick up your socks, not sing in the base, put headphones in, chew with your mouth closed-"

"Shh! sh sh sh," Jordan put his finger over my lips, shushing me. I grab his finger and yanked it down, "OW! I should've expected that,"

"You think?"

"Can you two just kiss and make up?" Declan asked, eyes not leaving the video game.

"And to think I used to like you, "I deadpanned to Declan. "I'm going into the kitchen, "I stood from the couch, making sure not to bump into Jordan.

He smirked, "and you think Bennetts gonna let you in?"

"Watch me,"

I stride over to the kitchen, flinging the door open and closing it quickly behind me. When Bennett turns round, still holding a knife, I cower back slightly, "I'll give you 5 seconds," he deadpanned, nodding to the door.

I took a deep breath "sanctuary. please! Jordans being Jordan and if he sings one more time I'm gonna have to borrow that knife,"

He blinks once, twice, "Okay," he shrugs.


"One time only. You can wash the potatoes," I nod and walk to the basin, starting my task.

A few seconds later Jordan walks in, "Hey Bennett, so if (Y/N) is allowed in-"

"Jordan did I or did I not warn you if you entered this kitchen you wouldn't get dinner and I'd wipe your phone?"

"You did,"

"And?" Bennett didn't even turn around from the chopping board.

"Sorry," Jordan pouted, turning and heading out. I sniggered and he stopped, putting his hand to his forehead in the shape of an L, sticking his tongue out.

"Jordan!" Bennett repeated. Finally, he left. Bennett turned and checked the door was firmly shut, "So," he glanced over at me, "You like him?"

I dropped the potatoes into the sink, turning on my heels to face Bennett, "How dare you? I will have you know that is the most ridiculous, preposterous question I've ever been-" Bennett gave me a look, "He's so hot but so annoying!" I pout, "It's not fair."

Bennett rolls his eyes, "Ask him out?"

"Did I not mention he was annoying?"

Naomi and I shared a room at the base which we were meant to be having a mini sleepover in tonight but her mum called her at eleven at night saying her dad had fallen down the stairs and was in the hospital.

He wasn't seriously hurt, only a sprained ankle, but Naomi still wanted to go and see him and said she'd just stay home. Obviously, I sent my love but didn't have a car to drive us. Bennett offered her a lift and Declan joined him so he could pick up some snacks on their way back. Naomi insisted I stay and that it was perfectly fine.

This meant Jordan and I were the only ones in the house. However, it was fine since I had my room and he had his. I decided to pop downstairs for a drink when I saw a slump on the sofa, controller in hand.

I stifled a laugh at Jordan lying there, sleeping with some drool. I grabbed my drink and before I headed back upstairs I stopped. he wasn't exactly lying comfortable and I didn't want to hear him whine about a bad back tomorrow.

picking up a foam football (soccer) he had bought for god knows why I chucked at him. He woke up with a start, almost flying the controller into the tv. "Is it morning?" He asked after a moment.

"No. Its like half eleven,"

"Cool," he wiped the drool away with no shame, "Nice outfit,"

I rolled my eyes. I'd decided to wear comfy pj's that were apparently not up to his standards, "Is it impossible for you to be nice for once? Seriously? All you had to do is be silent. is that so-hey!" I whine when he plucks my drink out my hand, drinking half of it.he wipes his mouth with his sleeve, handing it back. "Jordan tha-"

"You're cute when you're angry," I freeze at his words but my skin involuntary heats up, "and when you're calm and happy," he walks closer to me, making me step back and somehow with him in front of me with my back to the wall, "and when you daydream in class. And even in those pj's, which by the way, are actually very nice," He gives me a real smile.

I look at him skeptically "What happened to you?" I tried to distract from my ever reddening neck.

"I heard you. And Bennett," I groan and my head drops, "and you're right. I annoy myself sometimes. but I only annoy you so much because of how cute you get. I'm sorry," I nod but keep looking down, "Kinda. But you should be sorry too,"

"Why?" my head snaps up.

"Well, you annoy me when you talk about the guys you like that aren't me, or when you got that date or the fact that other guys like you. It also annoys me that I know if I ask you out you'll say no,"

"You never asked, "I mutter, finding the floor interesting all of a sudden.

"Well," his voice cracks, "Um, wanna grab some ice cream sometime? Maybe even bowling?"

I can't help but chuckle, "Yes. Yes, I would, you absolute man-child,"


"Sorry, sounds perfect,"

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