I Don't Care *Tyrus*

Start from the beginning

"I just had a really scary nightmare,"Reed mocked before continuing,"Yada Yada yada. TJ stuff. Wait, I thought TJ would be another crush I could get over."

Reed quoted looking up.

"Wait, dweeb likes Kippen,"Reed questioned.

Cyrus tried not to react but his terrified face said it all.

"TJ is the most adorable thing ever,"Reed continued,"More about how cute TJ is. I can't tell him that I'm gay or that I like him."

"Little dork is a little dork faggot,"One of the posse members said.

"That's not mine. I'm holding it for someone else,"Cyrus lied.

"Sure, so the first page that says 'Property of Cyrus Goodman. Super private information. Do not open.' That's someone else's journal,"Reed asked.

Cyrus hung his head knowing there wasn't anything he could do.

"I wonder what a shame it would be if this got sent to the entire school,"Reed said taking out his phone.

"No,"Cyrus screamed struggling against the grasp of the posse,"Please don't do this!"

Reed held his phone above the journal snapping a picture of the page.

"Please Reed, I'll do whatever you want,"Cyrus begged.

"What could you possibly do for me,"Reed asked.

"I-I don't know,"Cyrus said hanging his head again.

"Well then, how about before I send this out to the entire school, I punch you in the face,"Reed said,"That way TJ will have something to even out when he finds out about your little crush."

Cyrus gulped, ready for Reed's fist to hit his face.

"Put him down Reed,"TJ ordered appearing from around the corner.

Reed turned and stared at TJ who was walking down the hallway.

Reed swiftly turned back to Cyrus.

"I may not be able to punch you. But I can still be the messenger,"Reed said pressing the send button.

That was it. Everyone would know he was gay and everyone would know he liked TJ.


Reed's posse dropped Cyrus and ran off with Reed.

TJ rushed over offering Cyrus his hand.

Cyrus used TJ's hand to help him stand up before he moved away from TJ.

"Did they hurt you,"TJ asked scanning over Cyrus' body.

"Go away TJ,"Cyrus said.

"What,"TJ exclaimed,"Cyrus, what's wrong?"

"Me, I'm wrong,"Cyrus screamed,"And you're going to hate me so I'm going to leave before you punch me."

"I would never,"TJ started.

"Look at your phone TJ,"Cyrus screamed.

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