♥︎ Chapter 10 • Close ♥︎

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        Ethan gets up and comes to sit next to me. "Don't be sorry, you didn't know. Neither of us knew. It's okay. I just... I'm just scared to lose them. But I know that I feel happier around you. I'd happily ignore them if it wasn't a big deal." He cuddles Momo.

        "If you're scared to lose them, maybe you shouldn't ignore them."

        "But you hate them." He looks at me, clearly conflicted about multiple things.

        "But you don't."

        "Maybe I should." Ethan sighs. "I don't know what to do."

        "Why did they need you?"

        "Carmen's dad is an abusive asshole. She stays out of the house as long as she can, but eventually she'll have to back. She's got a little sister, only eight years old. If Carmen's not there to take the hit, the kid will get it. Whenever she goes back, her dad gives her hell for leaving for so long and he locks her up in the basement without any food, or a bed, and only enough water to survive. Tony, Scout, and I usually break her out. That's what happened last night." Ethan explains.

        "I might be able to help..." I whisper.

        "I can't ask you for that. There's nothing we can do, plus, they've never been anything but cruel to you." He leans his head on my shoulder.

        "That doesn't mean I can ignore it. My parents are both lawyers. My mom knows a lot of social workers. She means a lot to you, Ethan and she's suffering. I don't wish that on anyone, no matter what they've done to me." I rest my head on his.

        "I'll talk to her, but you'll eventually have to meet her. Would you feel comfortable doing that? I won't let them hurt you."

        "I'll feel safe as long as I have my skull crusher there." I smirk.

        He ruffles my hair. "Okay. Thank you, maybe we can even change their minds about you."

        "Yeah. Maybe. It's okay if they don't though."

        "I like you, so I want them to like you."

        "I like you too."

        "So," Ethan sits up and wipes his eyes. "What did you want to do before I came in with my depressing stories?"

        "Just be around you. Why?"

        Ethan hums. "That sounds nice. I just want to make you happy."

        "Make me happy?" I ask, feeling tense, but not letting it show.

        He can't tell, can he?

        Ethan punches my arm lightly. "Yeah, you're my buddy, so therefore it's my duty to bring ultimate joy into your life."

        "Pfft. Cute." I chuckle.

        "I do my best." He smirks.

        Momo makes a noise and I boop her nose before cuddling into Ethan. "I have to bring you ultimate joy as well, so I should up my game."

        "You already make me plenty happy." He smiles. "With you, I feel comfortable to just be myself. And you're funny as hell. Always brightens my day."

        "I'm glad you can be your 'punk' cowboy self when you're with me. A fake Ethan doesn't sound very fun." I adjust his hat. "You're pretty awesome yourself."


        "You're welcome."

        Ethan throw his feet across the couch and lays his head in my lap. "What now, cupcake?"

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