Chapter 7: Would You? Would I?

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Andrew's P-O-V

I was walking and thinking about what Melody and Leslie said about asking Malkia out. I don't know if I could. I mean, she's just completely out my league. She's so talented and beautiful. She would never go for a guy like me.

As I was pulling my thoughts together, I heard someone say "Hey." I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey," I said smiling back at her.

It was Malkia.

"So, what's up? Got any plans for tonight?"

Is she hinting at me? Does she want me to ask her on a date or something?

"Nothing really. You?"

"Oh. Well, I have a date... with my couch, snacks, and the TV. It's a double date type of thing," she replied laughing.

"Well, tell them that you're going to be busy tonight," I said letting the words slip out before they could be evaluated.

"So, are you asking me out?"

"What? Me? I mean, maybe. But that's if you want to. You know if you don't want to then I completely understand, but it would-"

She kissed my cheek and I went silent as my heart skipped a beat.

"Stop rambling, I would love to go out with you tonight. See you at eight?" she inquired, biting her lip.

"Uh... Yeah. Eight. Perfect. Okay. Yeah. See you at eight!"

She giggled and we separated. She going into her house and me into mine.

When I got inside, my mother immediately put on her act.

"Hey sweetie! How was school?" she asked as if everything was okay.

It isn't and never will be okay. I ignored her and went straight to my room, closing the door.

I laid on the bed and thought about everything. My date, my summer, and my mom.


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