Chapter 6: You Again?

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Leslie's P-O-V

I angrily walked into the classroom and sat into my seat. Biology is normally my favorite class, but I couldn't really concentrate on the lesson. How could Roc ask me something like that? What could it have meant?

As I struggled with trying to decipher what Roc was trying to say, I noticed that Melody and Andrew had just pulled up a chair next to me.

"What are you guys doing? You can get in trouble this way," I said confused and worried.

They looked at each other and laughed.

"We're supposed to pair up into groups of fours for a class project," Melody explained.

"Someone was spaced out, huh?" Andrew asked raising an eyebrow.

"I just have a lot on my mind, okay?" I said rolling my eyes and putting my bag on the ground next to me.

"Ah! OMG! Hey!" I heard someone yell.

I looked into the person's direction and... oh no. Ugh! No! Why? What is Kori doing here? I watched as she ran over to give me a hug. I put on the most fake smile I could as she pulled away and got a chair.

"It's so nice to see you again Kori," I said through the gritted teeth of my plastered smile.

"Yeah. I know right. But what are the odds that we would end up in the same class? I'm so excited! But how's Roc?"

"Yes. This is very magnificent. Just great. But he's fine. We're fine."

"That's, uh, great... So! Can someone please tell me what we're supposed to be doing?" Kori asked as if reading my mind.

"So, we get into groups of fours," Melody starts.

"Then we should be getting different kinds of water from the Mrs. Briggs. You know, like, lake water and swamp water," Andrew continued.

"Then you're supposed to observe it and write down what you see," Melody finished.

"Oh, but she said that if we get it done right, then we will have a bonus project that is added onto this one as extra credit!" Andrew added.

Kori and I looked at the two the same way. The way just just finished each other's statements like that. At that, Mrs. Briggs gave us our supplies to begin on our assignment.

"Hey, Leslie. Are you sure you're able to do this? You seemed a little dazed today?" Mrs. Briggs asked looking me up and down.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Perfect," I replied starting to slip back into my distracted state.

"Les?" I heard Melody say.

Hearing her snapped me out of it.

"Yeah? What?" I said frantically.

She shook her head and continued to look at what appeared to be sea water. I picked up a test tube with swamp water and examined the thick, liquid substance. I was so caught up into the experiment, that I didn't even notice when the bell rung.

"Hey, Les. Come on. Let's go," Andrew said tapping my shoulder.

I got up, packed my things up, and followed Andrew and Melody out of the classroom. I went over to my locker to get some books that I needed for homework. From the corner of my eye, I could see someone coming, but I couldn't tell who it was.

I turned around and say Kori standing there with a large smile on her face.

"Hey, I was wondering if maybe you would want to hang out sometime?" she asked innocently.

I saw right through that innocence.

"Sure. Yeah. That'll be fun," I reply.

I decided to do this because it would be a good opportunity to see what she's all about.

"Great! Let's exchange numbers so we can set up a day!" she said excitedly taking out her phone.

We exchanged numbers and she happily skipped off. Melody and Andrew came over to me.

"What was that all about?" Andrew questioned.

"She just asked if I wanted to hang out some time. I said yes and we exchanged numbers. That's all."

"Uh huh. But isn't she the girl that you claimed to try and steal Roc from you?" Melody interrogated.

"Yeah. And this is all a part of the plan. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Now come on. I have a date to get ready for."

"Oh. Yeah! I do too. Let's go," Melody answered tugging on me and Andrew's arm.

"Gosh. Am I the only person who doesn't have a date?" Andrew complained as we left the campus.

"Well, you don't have to be. Don't you have a crush on someone... other than Melody?" I asked.

"Haha. Very funny. I'm over Mel for your information. And yeah. I guess I do have a crush on one girl," he says looking into the distance.

From there, I can tell that he's smitten. Me and Mel can.

"Well, that's great. What's her name? Maybe you can ask her out for tonight?" Melody pushed.

"Her name's Malkia and no. I don't think so."

"Aw! Why not?" I asked .

"Because... she's pretty and nice and smart and... whenever I try to talk to her, I get tongue tied. I never know what to say."

"Andy, don't let the crush crush you. You have to go for it. If you really like her, ask her out," Melody said evoking him.

He took a deep breath then finally gave in.


"YES!" Mel and I yelled in sync.

"Anyway, I haven't seen or heard of a Malkia around the school. Who is she?" I said for conversation.

"She's in my 3rd period class. She also lives two houses down from me. But I don't want to keep talking about this. Can we please change the subject?" he pleaded.

"Yeah. Sure," Melody said.

We continued walking in silence the rest of the way. Once we all got to Melody's house, I decided to stay over for a little and Andrew continued walking. We went upstairs to her room and immediately began the girl talk.


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