Chapter 48: Sort of Fixed... Not Really

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Leslie's P-O-V

I was dressed and waiting for Roc's arrival. We were going to go to the bakery to get cupcakes then to the boardwalk that was by the beach. It was six when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

My mother peeked in, "Leslie. Roc is in the living room waiting for you."

"I'll be there in a second."

She shut the door and I checked myself out in the mirror. I looked good, but I didn't feel good. I said a little prayer:

"Lord give me the strength to go on this date with no problems. I don't want to be afraid anymore. Thank you. Amen."

I sighed then grabbed my purse. Off I went to go meet up with Roc. I got downstairs and saw his perfect smile light up the room. I nearly melted from it.

"Aw, how cute! Can I just get one picture?" My mother cooed.

"Mom!" I complained feeling embarrassed.

"What? I'm sure Roc Royal doesn't mind. Do you Roc?"


She cut Roc off, "See? He doesn't mind. Now let me get my camera."

"I am so sorry," I whispered to him when my mother wasn't looking.

He laughed and shrugged it off, "It's cool. Whatever it takes to make my mother-in-law happy."


He took my hand and stood in front of me, "You know we're married, right?"

"I don't recall a wedding."

"But I do recall a honeymoon," he replied with a wink.

"Now you listen to me-"

"Found the camera!"

"I guess the listening will have to wait," he said getting ready to take a picture.

He pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"Say cheese!" My mother provoked.

He smiled that perfect smile of his while I tried my hardest not to frown and gave a big fake grin.

"That's so cute, but just let me get one more."

"Mom, we have to go! Let's go Roc!" I said tugging his arm to the door.

"Leslie!" My mother whined.

"Fine! Just take the picture! But we're leaving right after."

"Yay! Okay! Come together!"

We posed for another dumb photo and finally got out of the house after telling my mother goodbye. When we hopped into the van, it was just as I expected. Everyone and their mama was up in there.

"Hey Leslie!" I heard everyone say.

But one voice stood out. I looked and saw Melody in the car.

"Melody? What are you doing in here?"

She was snuggled up next to Prodigy and their fingers were locked together.

"Are you two-"

"We'll explain when we get to the bakery," Prodigy said with a smile.

"No. I can't go to the bakery," I said to him.

"Wait, what do you mean, you-"

I cut Ray-Ray off, "Remember Melody? You and I aren't allowed to be in there together."

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