Chapter 31: Project M Plan

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Melody's P-O-V

"So what was that all about?"


"You and Prodigy."

"Nothing. He decided to bring me up on stage. I had no control over that."

"Yeah, but what about the way you guys were dancing up there. He was a little too close."

"That's how you dance to a song like that. You know how I am. Music always does things like that to me. It speaks to me."

"Uh huh," he quickly pulled the car on the shoulder of the highway, "Do you think I'm stupid?"


"What? Say it! You must think I'm stupid! The way he was dancing with you up there was completely inappropriate! And you had nerve to get up there and dance around like that!"

"Well, what am I supposed to do about it now? It already happened!"

"You know what? You're right. Whatever. I'll leave it alone."


We drove back to my house. When we got there, I noticed a bunch of people parked outside.

They were canting, "MB, MB, MB!"

I got out of the car in disbelief.

"Mel, this isn't just a house party. This is a Project X party waiting to take effect," I heard Travis say.

I pulled out my phone and called Leslie.

"Leslie, where are you?"

"With MB in they're hotel room. What is all of that noise?"

"There is a bunch of people in front of my house. Hey, put the phone on speaker. I need everyone in the room to hear this."

"Alright... Speak."

"Okay, so I need your help. I wasn't expecting this big of a turnout. Um, I need you guys to get a hold of a larger building. Get food, get equipment for performing, and Travis and I will try to get the crowd there."

"Wait, what? Why?" I heard Ray ask.

"I'm throwing a Project X party! But I'm calling it Project M!"

"Mel, are you crazy? Do you know that people die at those parties?" Leslie scolded.

"Yeah. But we have to live while we're young. Now get what I need. When you find a place, give me the address and I'll dispurse the crowd that's at my house. Got it?"

"Yeah, we got it."

"Cool. I'm going to call Andrew for help too. Bye!"

I hung up the phone to call Andrew until I heard my name.

"Melody!" I saw Andrew running towards me.

Next to him was his I-Don't-Know-What named Malkia. I have this feeling about her. She just doesn't seem right to me.

"What's going on here?" She asked.

"I was going to throw a house party. MB was going to come. So a bunch of fans came here waiting to see them! But I've decided to change the location to somewhere bigger."

"Well, do you need any help?"

"Actually, yeah. I was going to call you to ask for help, but you're already here."

"Okay. So what do you want us to do?"

"Well, you guys should stay here. Travis and I are going to meet up with Leslie."

"Melody! I called some of my homeboys to assist. A few of them are lurking the town for a new spot, some are getting food and stuff for the party, and others are on their way here to help keep the crowd in order," Travis said.

"Good job, babe," I replied kissing him, "This could work."

"No. This will work," Andrew replied.

Soon, we heard car horns. It was Travis' friends. They made their way over to us.

"Party! Woo! I know this is going to be insane!" One of his buddies said.

"You know it," Travis said greeting his compadres.

I watched them as they climbed on the rooftop of the house. One pulled out a bullhorn. I have no idea where it came from, but he had it then announced that we were moving to a new location soon. I called Leslie once again and told Travis to call his friends so we could agree on a place to meet up and go through with the plan. We all agreed on meeting at the hotel. Project M is officially in motion.


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