Project M Special Part 6: How Could I Have Possibly Done That?

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Leslie's P-O-V

I looked up at Roc after his performance. He smiled and winked at me. I gave him an air kiss and he walked off. I went back into the party to see him. When he was in my peripheral view, I saw some girl- no, wait- I saw Malkia walking up to him. She seductively smiled at him and put her arms around his neck.

Oh, it is on! That lying son of a- No. Calm down Leslie. Just watch and see if he shuts her down. I continued to watch. He removed her arms from his neck and walked away from her. Ha! That's what she gets! Trying to push up on my man.

He was walking in my direction. It seemed like he didn't see me, so, I grabbed his hand.

"Malkia! I already told you to- Oh. Baby! Hey! I am so glad to see you," he said picking me up and twirling me around in a hug.

"Whoa! You missed me that much?"

"Yeah, I barely saw you all night."

"That's true... uh, Roc?"

"Yeah? So, Malkia... Is she bothering you in any way?"

"Um, no. I can handle it. Just forget about her. Hey, I'm thirsty. You want some punch?"

"Oh. No. I'm fine."

"Okay. I'm going to go get some punch. Don't move."


He walked away and left me alone.


I turned around and saw that Travis' friend coming towards me.

"Um, yeah?"

"I need to talk to you in private."

"Technically, in a house like this, privacy is very scarce."

He laughed, "Let me worry about the privacy. It is my house after all."

I smiled, "True."

He took my hand and lead me into a room with a bunch of classic arcade style games, a large bed with a portrait of old malfunctioning televisions hanging over it, and orange walls.

"Where are we?"

"My room. You like?"


"I got the idea from a Frank Ocean concert. I thought his set was cool. So... why not make my bedroom look cool?"


"Is that all you're going to say?" he laughed.

I giggled, "Oh. Sorry. You're room is really amazing."

"Thank you."

"So, um, you like Frank Ocean?" I asked plopping myself on his bed.

Whoa! It's a waterbed! Cool!

"Yeah, he's cool," he replied.

I bounced on the bed all child-like, "You don't seem like the type."

"You like the waterbed huh?"

"Yes! I love it."

He laughed, "Yeah, but what do you mean, I don't seem like the type?"

"I mean, you hang out with Travis so I guess I just assumed that you were an ignorant bacon bit."

"Bacon bit?"

"You know, a jock, a meat-head, a jerk-face."

"Uh huh..."

"But, you seem different. You're nice."

"Well, thanks."

I smiled and looked at him, "You know, I never got your name."

"It's Chris."

"Well, Chris, I'm Les- wait. You know my name. But how? I never told you."

"Melody told me."

"Oh..." I noticed that he was wearing those sunglasses still. "Why are you wearing those?"

He shrugged.

"Take them off."


"Come on. Please? For me?"

"No. I don't want to."

"Okay. Well, I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way."

I tackled him. We rolled around play-fighting as I tried to snatch his glasses. Eventually, he ended up pinning me down. We laughed. We were breathing heavily and even though outside of these walls, a party was going on, it felt as if we were the only two in the house. I fought the urge to kiss him as I stared through the lens's of his glasses.

"Um," I began, "I think we should-"

He kissed me mid-sentence. And I didn't withdraw. I knew it was wrong, but deep down, I sort of wanted this. He seemed so familiar to me. Everything about him was just so nostalgic.

His hands released my wrist as we rolled over, eventually ending up with him above me again. My hands were around his neck. It all felt like a movie. Just then, I felt his hands begin to roam and I snapped back into reality. Letting my conscience take control.

I pushed him off, "No!"

"What's wrong?"

"I can't do this. I have to go."

He grabbed my hand, "Wait, don't. I really like you, Leslie."

It slipped, "I really like you too."

"Then why are you leaving me?"

"I- I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry. I just- I got to go."

I left the room quickly and headed for the bathroom. There was, like, seven and a half of them so one had to be vacant. I found one and locked the door. I began crying my eyes out. I heard my phone vibrate, it was a text from Roc.

From My King: Where are you?

I locked the phone then flung it across the room, causing me to cry even harder. How could I have possibly done this?


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