Chapter 21: Apologies for Apology

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Leslie's P-O-V

I knocked on the hotel room door.

"Hey Leslie," Princeton said letting me in.

"Hey Prince," I sat down on a chair. "Where's Roc?"

"Oh. He isn't here right now. He went to work out."

I bit my lip feeling awkward, "Oh."

"Well, do you want me to give him a message?"

"I think this is something I have to tell him myself."

"Oh. Okay. Well..."

"Um, Prince. Do you think Roc loves me?"

"I mean," he sat next to me. "Yeah. Why would you ask that?"

"I just- I don't know. Last night when he told me he kissed another girl, I just- It just hurt. And for some reason, I feel like he never told me everything I needed to know. You know?"

"Well, sometimes, that's how you know someone loves you. Isn't it? When they lie to keep you. They just want to see you happy."

"Yeah, but it's also the opposite too. Everything in love contradicts itself! I never know what side to choose..."

He hugged me. It felt awkward at first, but I went with it becauase I know that's just how he is.


"Roc?!" Prince and I said in sync.

"Princeton?!" Roc's face looked shocked and hurt. "What's going on in here?"

"It's not what you think!"

"Something tells me otherwise."

"Listen, Roc. If you're jealous, you shouldn't be," Princeton said. "It was just a friendly hug. I was comforting her because she-"

"Because she was vulnerable? And you just love to feed off of those," Roc said getting in Princeton's face.

The way he was acting disgusted me. He was acting like Christopher. I wasn't going through this again.

I stepped in between them and pushed Roc back, "No, Roc! He did it because I was hurting! I was confused! And do you know why I was hurting so much? Because you basically betrayed me, making me second guess everything! Then when I decide to come back to you, here you are acting all immature! So you know what? Maybe it's for the best if I stop this before anything else happens. Roc... We're through. Goodbye!"

I cried storming out of the hotel room until I felt someone grab my hand.

"Leslie, I'm sorry!"

I turned around to face him. With tears running down my cheeks.

"Can we please just go back into the room so we can talk about this?" He asked.

"What is there to talk about?"

"There's how sorry I am. There's us. There's where we stand right now..."

"Roc. I honestly can say that none of that is needed. I know you're sorry. You're always sorry, but I said I was done with you. That means no more of us and where we stand has to be nowhere near each other," I removed my hand from his and attempted to walk away, but he ran in front of me and stopped me.

He took my hand again and began to talk, "Leslie, listen. I don't want to just lose you like this. I'm so sorry that I even cheated. I'm sorry about hurting you. I'm sorry about reacting like that when I saw you with Princeton. I'm just so afraid of losing you, Leslie! I love you! I just... I don't know. I just love you so much. So much to the point where I can never even think straight. So much to the point where I have nothing in my mind but you. So much to the point where every girl I see around me is you..."

I was crying even more and I couldn't look him in the eye. What he was saying was so sweet. I can't explain the feelings those words gave me. They were more passionate than passion itself. Sounds silly, but it's true.

"Leslie, that kiss with that girl was nothing. I don't want to kiss anyone, but you. And when I was kissing her, it wasn't like I was kissing her. It was more like I was kissing you. I can't explain what really made me do it. I just missed you, I guess, and I needed someone there with me. She was the closest thing to you that I had at the time. I guess I just felt desperate to be with... you," he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "So, I guess I just pretended she was you to satisfy my hunger to have you near."

"Roc, I-I d-don't know w-what to say..."

"You don't have to say a word."

I fell into his arms. I cried harder than ever. It immediately gave me a gruesome headache. I felt him scoop me up and take me into his room. I really didn't want to end it with Roc. I fell asleep on his chest that was soaked with my tears.

When I finally woke up, I realized that I was in Roc's bed and I was wrapped snug in his arms. He was peacefully asleep and I didn't want to wake him, but I had to go.

"Roc... Roc wake up."

I saw his eyes slowly open and focus on me. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I stated back.

He just stared at me. It began to feel awkward.

"You're just so perfect..."


"You, Leslie. You're perfect. Too perfect. Too good for me. That's probably why I keep messing things up."


"Look, I understand that I have been acting a little shady lately, but I'm just afraid of losing you. I really don't want you to leave me. It's just... I don't know. Sometimes, I just feel like I don't deserve you. Like I'm going to just mess up anyway."

"Roc. I don't deserve you. Listen, I'm sorry baby. I let my past get the best of me again. I know you're nothing like my ex and that's the reason I fell in love with you in the first place. Can we just forget all of this ever happened?"

"I thought you would never ask."

We hugged then kissed. It felt so good to have him back. To have things feel the way it used to feel.


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