Un-break My Heart

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Barry and Oliver have been secretly dating for a year now the only person who knows is Kara Danvers/Supergirl who walked in on them kissing before a mission but she was excited and told them they make a cute couple Barry blushed as he says thank you and Oliver says you're the only who knows she said I won't say anything she also lives on earth 38.

Barry and Oliver decided to throw a party so they can tell there teams at the same time so the party is going on as Oliver gets everyone's attention even the Legends are there as everyone looks at Oliver he says Barry and I would like to thank you all for coming to this party but we have something to tell you guys as Barry says we are dating Caitlin, Len, Sara, Nate, Ray, Amaya, Thea, Felicity and Joe are happy for them and that they have each other but everyone else starts yelling and screaming and yelling that Iris goes up to him and says no you're not you've had a crush on me since we were eleven he says no I just didn't know how to tell you I was gay.

It tore the teams apart so Barry and Oliver decided that they were only going to tell the Legends Caitlin, Felicity, Thea and Joe that they are moving to earth 38 they were sad to see there friends go but they understood Caitlin told them to keep in contact and when they get married they better get invited as they hugged good bye Oliver took enough money for them to live comfortably on earth 38 and Thea said she loved them both and wished them happiness as she hugs them Oliver says you guys have to make it look like we are die cause we aren't coming back and we don't care if you guys tell them our Identities Thea,Felicity, Caitlin, Joe, Sara, Nate, Ray, Len and Amaya says that they can make it look real with copy's of the two of them with that they hug their friends bye and then walk though the breach Oliver and Barry end up at the DEO.

On earth 38 a breach opens up in the DEO as every D.E.O. Agent is ready for a fight with guns raised even Supergirl is ready for a fight as Barry and Oliver walk through the breach as Kara gets excited and runs up to them as she says Barry,Oliver what are you guys doing here? As she hugs them she looks at Barry and sees that he's been crying as Oliver says we decided to move here cause coming out and telling our teams didn't exactly go as planned it actually tore them apart and Barry and you told us that there isn't a Barry Allen or Oliver Queen on your earth so she says yay as she says let's go talk to j'onn and Winn so they can get you the official document she goes and finds j'onn as Winn runs up and hugs Barry as he says welcome back what brings you to our earth? Oliver clears his throat as he says Oliver Queen before Winn can freak out j'onn comes and says Agent Schoot can you fake some official documents for our friends and new residents of earth 38 Winn looks at him as he says ok well I'm hurt you would ask me that j'onn says let's take this in to a more private room as the five of them go into an empty room and Winn makes the documents for Barry and Oliver.

They got a house and Oliver got a motorcycle and Barry even got a new job at Catco as a reporter so he works with Kara, James, and Cat as she says welcome to the team Mr. Allen and also I want the exclusive for the Flash before he can say anything she says I won't tell anyone you're identity Barry says ok but I'm not the only one my boyfriend is the Green Arrow she says your identity's are safe with me but like with Supergirl i get the scoop first and since there of my employees are heroes they shake and she calls Kara in as she says you will teach him the ropes she says yes ma'am then they walk out as Kara shows him around the news room.

~Time Jump~
It's two years later and Barry and Oliver's life is amazing they have a two year old son named Roy Jonas Qullen and Kara is their son's godmother as Caitlin, Sara, Nate, Ray, Len, Amaya, Thea, Felicity and Joe all came to met Roy and they stay for a week and then go back home to earth one and Barry has the day off and Oliver has to go to the office as he Queen Consolidated.

Oliver kisses his beautiful husband as he says I have to go to the office for a few hours Barry says no stay with me today as he gets on his lap as he straddles him as he starts kissing him passionately as Oliver says you're not playing fair as he Mr. as Barry says hey your the one who's hard right now as Oliver says I have my sexy beautiful husband on top of me naked it's hard not as Barry says Kara has Roy for the day so we can he says as he gives his husband the puppy dog eyes as Oliver says you know I can't say no to you so he calls the office and tells his assistant that he's not coming in today and push all my appointments she says no problem Mr. Qullen then she hangs up as he says I'm all yours baby.

Oliver flips them so that he's on top as he lines his hard cock with his mans tight hole as he slowly pushes into him as he's moaning Oliver kisses him passionately as he starts moving he pulls all most all the way out of him then slams back into his hole as Barry then flips them over so he's riding Oliver's huge cock as he's moaning as he moves up and down on his husband's lovely cock as he starts vibrating as he leans down to kiss him passionately Oliver flips them back over as he's kissing and sucking on his neck as Barry warps his legs around his waist so he can go deeper he's moaning as Ollie's pounding into him he says I'm gonna he yells Oliver's name as he rides out his orgasm as Oliver kisses him as he feels his seed spilling deep inside his husband's hole he's moaning as he's kisses him once Oliver feels the last rope of his come fill his bears hole he pulls out and says how about we go downstairs and I'll cook us a big breakfast baby? He says I love you Oliver then kisses him as he says I love you too Barry they get up and put sweatpants on and go downstairs as Oliver starts cooking breakfast Barry try's to help but Oliver says no baby go seat down I'm cooking for us once it's done Oliver fix's their plates and they eat at the table as Barry is playing footsie with Oliver as Oliver laughs once they are done eating they go seat down to watch a movie but Oliver decided to tickle his bear as he loves to hear him laugh once Oliver is done he starts kissing him passionately once they pull away for air Oliver says I love you and I'm glad we decided to move to this earth later that day Kara brings Roy back as they walk in he runs and hugs his daddy's as he says aunt Kara took me flying and we got ice cream and we went to the zoo.

Kara went and got potstickers as Barry went and got pizza and Alex brought the ice cream as Jimmy and Winn brought the games and movies after dinner they watch the Wizard of Oz once Roy falls asleep Barry puts him to bed then goes back downstairs for game night as they start breaking up into teams Winn says no Oliver and Barry can't be on the same team as Barry says we are a team Oliver gives Winn his evil stare as Winn says ok fine after a few hours they call it a night everyone leaves as Oliver carry's his tired bear upstairs and they take their clothes off and get into bed as he cuddles with his husband he asks so do you ever think that we made a mistake coming here and leaving our friends and family Oliver says no baby we made the best decision to move here at least here all of our friends and family except us he kisses his head as he's playing with his hair Barry falls asleep Oliver pulls him closer as he warps his arms around him then falls asleep.

Oliver wakes up early and is watching Barry sleep once he wakes up Oliver says baby I have to go to work today he gets up and goes to take a shower as Barry goes and joins him once they get out of the shower Barry puts on sweatpants and one of Oliver's shirts that's to big for him as Oliver says I love when you wear my shirts as he kisses him passionately then puts his suit on as they go downstairs Oliver gets on his motorcycle as he kisses him passionately then Barr says have a great day Oliver starts his bike and leaves as Barry watches him leave he's about to head back into the house when he hears a wrack he looks down the street and sees Oliver laying on the ground so he runs over to him as he says babe look at me he looks at Oliver and it looks bad so he's yelling for help as he hears Oliver say I love you that's the last thing he says to him as Barry is there crying by the time Kara gets there it's to late.

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