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A/N:  They are just normal college kids. This is just for the request but I will be starting a new story cause the first time I tried to write for this request had to much back story so I may have change some of the people for this version oh there will be Iris bashing in this one and the one that turned into an actual story.
Barry is at the bar on vacation he was supposed to be here with his boyfriend but his boyfriend of six years he found out was cheating on him with his best friend since they were kids when he asked the both of them his ex Mick told him it's been going on for years since he didn't want to give it up till he was ready and Iris says you knew that I liked Mick but you got with him anyway and when he came to me I give him what you wouldn't with that Barry told both of them they were made for each other and he never wanted to see them again and that's why he's here drinking alone.

He hears someone asks so why is a hottie like you sitting here drinking alone? Barry looks at the guy who asked him as he looks into the most beautiful blue eyes he's ever seen as he looks at the rest of the guy he sees that he's hot he's thinking of how to answer his question as the guy says let me guess your not alone your waiting for your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Barry says no I am alone and single as my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend the guy says well let me just say that guy is an idiot cause anyone that would cheat on someone as handsome as you is idiotic Barry blushes as he says thank you he holds out his hand as he says I'm Barry Allen the guy shakes it as he says Oliver Queen well Barry can I buy you a drink Barry smiles as he says yes crown on the rocks Oliver gets the bartender's attention as he says two crown on the rocks and for as long as Mr. Allen is here put any and all his drink and food orders on my tab yes sir Mr. Queen then the bartender walks away to make the drinks.Barry says you don't have to do that Oliver looks at him with his cocky smile as he says a beautiful man like you shouldn't have to pay for his drinks.

Oliver says would you like to join me for dinner? I would like to get to know you better barry says yes I would love to join you for dinner and get to know you better as well after they get there drinks Oliver tells him he'll meet him at eight o'clock tonight and they can go where ever he wants Barry thanks him then goes back to his room as he can't believe that a guy that hot asked him out.

Barry got ready at seven fifty he's wearing a button down shirt with a vest over it he wasn't sure if he should dress up or if he's to dressed up it's Eight o'clock he's in the lobby of the hotel and no Oliver when he looks at his watch again it's eight fifteen when Barry thinks it was to good to be true he was about to leave when Oliver shows up and says sorry I'm late but I had a meeting that ran late Barry say I didn't know that we would be wearing tux's Oliver says no you look great I'm wearing this because I'm not really here on vacation I'm here with my dad was in a meeting with some of his business partners and since I'm going to take over the family business one day I had to sit in on it and it took longer than expected believe me I would much rather have been here with you sexy this makes Barry blush as Oliver holds out his arm as he says really? Barry puts his arm though Oliver's as he says yes.

As they walk around they are taking when Barry spots a Mexican restaurant called Cazuelas as he says do you like Mexican? They walk in as the host takes them to a table then she says your waitress will be with you soon Oliver asks Barry what he does? He says I go to college at Central City Community college and I work at CC JITTERS as well as CCPD to pay for college cause my parents died in a car crush when I was eleven I want to save the world by being a scientist.

Oliver says wow I'm sorry before anything else can be said there waitress comes over they tell her there order as she says I'll be back with your food Oliver says you know QC has a great science department and we have scholarships Barry says thank you but I'm doing fine I find it's better not to get my hopes up and to depend on myself Oliver says I understand that but Oliver says I know that we just met but I want to help you and I want to get to know you better they get there food as they are eating Barry says let me think about it that's all I ask.

Oliver pays the bill and then they leave they walk back to the hotel once in the lobby Oliver kisses him passionately then says can I take you out again tomorrow night? Barry says yes Barry gives him his phone as Oliver puts his number into his phone he then gives Barry his phone so he can get his number then before Barry can walk away Oliver kisses him passionately then says good night sexy and they go to there rooms.

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