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Barry is at a frat party with some friends he's not sure why he's here he could be studying not that he needs to study cause he's smart enough his friend Leonard Snart dragged him to this party cause he says he needs to get out more and because he's also in the frat house and he knows that Barry has a huge crush on Oliver and he told Barry that Oliver was going to be there and that made Barry change his mind cause Len is his best friend and Len is one of the few people that knows about his crush it's only Len and Kara that knows about his crush but what Barry doesn't know is that Oliver has a crush on him too.

It took Leonard all of two minutes to know that Oliver has a crush on his best friend cause at first Oliver asked why he hang out with him so Len turned around so fast as he says why dose it matter to you? He's my best friend just cause he's not in a frat house doesn't mean we can't be friends we've been friends since we were in dappers and I'm not going to stop being his friend Oliver holds his hands up as he says that's not what I'm saying I was just wondering and hey he's awesome he's been tutoring me cause the teacher said I needed a tutor or I would flank math and be on academic probation and kicked off the football team so she Ms. West said that Barry was her best student and she talked to him and he would be happy to help you so he's been helping me with my math with in Secret that's when Len realizes that Oliver likes Barry as he's smiling as he talks about him and Oliver says he's nerdy but he's as he stops talking he says I hope you don't mind that he is helping me Leonard says I don't mind and I know that you have a crush on him I can see it in your eyes but Queen if you hurt him I will kick your ass and then he walks away Len tells Kara what he found out about there Barr Barr as she squeals as she says you mean that the captain of the football team and the captain of your frat is gay and has a crush on our love able Barry Len says yes he does apparently Barry has been tutoring him in secret so they have been spending a lot of time together and I told him if he hurts Barry I'll kick his ass.

Two weeks later the party is that night and Len and Kara have it all planned out as the party is going strong Len tells the Dj to play firework by Katey Parry Dj says got it boss so he plays the song and Oliver hears the song and he knows that it's Barry's favorite song and that Barry is at the party and he's talking to his friend Kara so he goes and find him and then asks would you like to dance with me Barry looks at Kara as he says go ahead I'll be in this spot when you're done dancing he says no I'm sorry I wasn't asking her I mean your pretty but I was asking you my nerdy but sexy tutor Kara smiles as she says go dance with him they dance and as they are dancing Barry is singing the song as Oliver says I love your voice it's so beautiful and he looks into his beautiful eyes as he then leans in and kisses him passionately after they pull apart for air Barry says is this a dream cause I've had this dream before and it he stops talking he then pulls a Rachel Berry moment as he says or is this some sick joke cause every one is staring at us and I feel like Rachel did in glee when she was voted prom queen is someone going to throw pigs blood on me or slushy me? Oliver says no one is going to be throwing anything on you cause if they do myself and Leonard will kick there asses then Oliver kisses him again and after they break for air Barry starts singing once the song is over Oliver says kisses him passionately again once the song is over he says would you be my boyfriend? He asks him in front of Len and Kara as he says yes Len and Kara high five each other as Barry says why did you two just high five? As Oliver arms are around his waist and his head on his shoulder as some of their frat brothers come up to Oliver and says it's about time man now you can stop moping around pining over how to tell him that you love him Barry puts his head on his shoulder as Oliver whispers in his ear we need to talk about these dreams that you've been having about us cause I'm thinking that we can make them become reality Barry says oh we will definitely make them reality but when we do it's not going to be in your room where you've had sex with half the cheerleaders and any other guys that you've been with what he says I haven't been with half the cheerleading team here at this school I've been a good boy who's only had eyes for you my sexy nerd since the first time I seen you witch was before Ms.West asked you to tutor me but I was just to scared to talk to you cause everyone and there mother knows who I am and how I'm I mean how I was a playboy in Sterling City but since I've been in National city and meet you I've been a good boy as he kisses him passionately then sits down as he pulls Barry into his lap as he puts his head on his shoulder he says we will talk about us having sex later he then kisses him passionately again.

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