Not Over You

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Oliver and Barry are in the Arrow Cave when Oliver says we have to break up cause I almost lost you and Darhk came close to killing and he was only able to do that cause he knows who I am under the hood and if we keep dating it won't be long before he learns who the Flash is so it's done with that he leaves the Arrow Cave.

It's been two months since Oliver broke Barry's heart and he's been moping with his work at the CCPD and when he goes around as the Flash he's not as witty he just stops the bad guys then once they are down he just leaves he and when he gets back to S.T.A.R. Labs he puts his suit up and then races home so Caitlin decides to call Felicity to see if she knows what's going on? Meanwhile back in Sterling City the Arrow hasn't been seen in two months every time there is a criminal that needs stopped and when Overwatch calls Oliver he tells her that the team can handle it so Arsenal, Spartan, Black Canary have been taking down the baddies when they get back to the Arrow Cave.

Laurel,Roy, Dig all look at Felicity as they say what is going on with Oliver it's not like him to not fight Roy asks Felicity? I know right and I also got a call from Caitlin and it seems that the Flash hasn't been his self  for two months ether so I did some digging and found this she pulls up the footage from two months ago in the Arrow Cave afterwards they all don't know what to say they feel bad for Barry and they all know when Oliver gets back to action he's going to be more cranky and none of them wants that so Felicity says she's talked to Caitlin and they have a plan to get the two love birds back together the others look at each other as Laurel says cause this is going to end well afterwards Felicity says we're going to Central City.

Flash was running around town when he hears someone yelling so when he stops and runs towards the yelling when he runs into rainbows Rider as he says Flash you've been a little down so how about I help you get better he looks Flash in the eyes and his eyes go all red then the Flash punches him and knocks him out and he's goes back to S.T.A.R. Labs where he sees Felicity,Laurel, Roy, and Diggle as he says hey guys what are you doing here? We are just here to see you guys.

Barry leaves cause he has to work once he leaves Felicity tells Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, Wally, Ralph and Joe why Barry and Oliver have been so bummed lately and how they a plan to get the two back together Joe says I'm not a fan of the Green Arrow but if he makes my son happy then I'm in so what's your plan Joe asks? Felicity says my plan is to get Oliver come here and then lock the two in the room and not let them out till they get back together it's an oldie but a good one.

Meanwhile Barry didn't go to work he went to Sterling City to visit the mayor of Sterling he goes into City Hall and then walks into the mayor's office and says you have some nerve Oliver looks up to see a face he hasn't seen in two months he says I'm sorry but before he can finish Barry says we are heroes we take risks everyday and there will always be some bad guy that wants to kill us but we shouldn't break up because of it and this time before he can say anything else Oliver goes over and kisses him passionately once they break for air Oliver says I'm sorry you're right I shouldn't have broke up with you it was stupid and impulsive of me and I've been miserable ever since and I'm a better man when I'm with you and I'll do anything to make it up to you since I was Barry kisses him passionately then says don't forget we are a team oh and you're coming with me to my appointment and you're going to cook me dinner then he whispers in his ear that makes Oliver say yes anything you want as he has a huge smile on his face as he says I'm glad we are back together cause I could never get over you he then kisses him passionately again.

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