Hotel California

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A/N: Damonlover81 Requsted this and I hope you know it hurt my heart to write it

Flash and Green Arrow are fighting Damien Darhk and the Reverse Flash as they are fighting the Reverse says catch me if you can Flash then he's gone as Flash chases after him Darhk says finally Oliver it's just you and me and I owe you for killing me so allow me to return the favor and it will be even more sweeter cause I'll also break Barry Allen in the process he stops Oliver dead in his tracks with his magic as he says yes I know that Mr. Allen is the Flash and I was surprised to hear that the Green Arrow was gay and had a boyfriend who turns into his husbands in the not to distant future we'll let me be the first to help break the fastest man alive Oliver says if you lay a hand on him I will kill you again Darhk say oh don't worry Mr.Queen I won't lay a hand on him killing you will be enough as Darhk hears Eobard Thawne say stop talking and kill him already as he says with pleasure as he takes an arrow from Ollie and stabs him in the heart before Oliver dies the last thing he says is Barry i love you with that Barry stops chasing the Reverse and runs back to Oliver as Eobard Thawne says after the Flash is gone Eobard says I may not be able to kill you myself but you're do the rest now with that he gets Darhk and they are gone.

Barry gets back to Ollie but it's to late by the time Barry gets there he's already dead Barry grabs him and says no no please come back don't leave me alone I love you we were supposed to grow old together he sits there for what seems like hours as he has shut off his comms and hasn't moved as he sits there crying back at S.T.A.R. Labs Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, and Joe are worried about Barry so Joe asks Cisco to breach over to where Barry and Oliver are and get them when Cisco gets there he is about to say something when he sees Barry leaning over someone then it hits him it's Oliver so he goes over to Barry as he says hey let's get you and Oliver back to S.T.A.R. Labs he's dead Cisco it was all part of Thawne's plan and I left him unprotected and because of that Oliver is dead Cisco is in tears as he says let's just get you back two back to S.T.A.R. Labs with that they are in the cortex before anyone can say anything they see Oliver not moving and before they can say anything Barry says I'm done with this they look at him as Joe carefully asks done with what son? With every thing with being the Flash all being the Flash has done is brought me pain first my mom then Ronnie and then my boyfriend Eddie killed himself to save us from Thawne and then Zoom killed my dad in front of me then my other boyfriend killed himself to save the Legends and I finally get with Oliver Who I had a crush on since before I met him and my life was great and now the love of my life is dead and it feels like a piece of my soul has been ripped out of me so I'm done as far as I'm concerned the Flash is dead and with that the Flash suite is on back and Barry and Oliver are gone.

Barry takes Oliver's body to the Arrow Cave where Thea and Felicity is as he says I'm sorry I failed him we were fighting with Darhk and the Reverse Flash and while I was trying to get he can't finish what he's saying as he's breaking down Thea comes and hugs him as she is crying she says you didn't fail him Felicity says we have to clean him up Barry leaves Caitlin calls Felicity before she can tell her Felicity says he showed up with Oliver and then he left as they talk Felicity says this is bad the world needs the Flash Caitlin says I'm sure he will come back he just needs time.

Barry is at a hotel in California he has been there since he left the Arrow Cave what he didn't know is that this particular hotel is hunted it plays tricks on your mind and once you check in you can never leave since he has checked in he has left his hotel room as he's been laying in bed cause he's being hunted by Eddie, Leonard, Ronnie, Oliver, Nora and Henry each one of them have blamed him for there death his mom keeps telling him if it wasn't for you being born I would still be alive then his dad says you won't fast enough and since you didn't turn out like Zoom he killed me Ronnie says you took me away from Caitlin cause you decided not to save your mom when Thawne give you the chance and you caused the black hole above Central City.

Eddie says you are the reason I'm dead cause instead of being with Iris I fell for a coward who's always winning about his dead mother and when given the chance you tried playing the hero instead of killing that psycho so I killed myself to save a coward and selfish loser this time he says no that's not true Leonard says you know it's your fault that I died saving the Legends if you wouldn't have told me I have good in me and if when we started dating if you would have used your powers to help the rogues I would still be alive the last one is Oliver as he says I was wrong that lighting didn't choose you and you should have died in that coma as he says you never loved me all you cared about was being a hero but you aren't a hero you're just some kid who I didn't love you all you where good for was a way for me to release my sexual tension and make Felicity Smoak jealous cause she wouldn't sleep with me and I knew I could tell you anything you wanted to know just to get into your pants you think a cold blooded killer has soulmates the sex was the only good thing about my using you Barry is finally had enough so he leaves the hotel knowing that the speedforce in him he heals fast so he goes to Gotham and talks to scarecrow to get some of his toxic gas of course scarecrow wants money witch he does have so he vibrates his hand and puts it though scarecrow's chest he then injects himself with all of the gas he took from him and then with in a matter of minutes his heart stops from all the toxic gas and using what was left of his speedforce to get him back to the mid bay in S.T.A.R. Labs.

The next morning Caitlin goes to the lab where she finds Barry's body she calls the rest of the team and they decided that with everything that has happened to Barry is way to much so they burry him next to Oliver as they hope he has found peace in the afterlife and hope that he's united with Oliver, Nora, Henry, Eddie and Leonard.

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