Chapter 12

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''nana? please come to my office,'' i frowned a little, standing up.

''sir? you wanted to see me?'' i asked, not knowing whether i should take a seat or just stand there. taehyung shrugged, ''yeah,'' he said, putting his legs on the table casually. ''so, what is it?'' i asked.

''uhm...i don't know, i needed accompany i guess,'' he replied, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly. i was utterly shocked and confused, that was it? i stood up and went to his office for nothing?

''oh, well i'll go back to my office then...'' i said, ''wait no!'' taehyung quickly yelped, ''yes sir?''

taehyung bit his lip nervously, not knowing what to say, ''can you please accompany me?'' he asked, i slowly nodded, ''okay,'' he smiled and signaled me to sit down. I sat down, the chair is really comfortable i could fall asleep right away. taehyung grinned.

he tapped on the table and closed his laptop, he let out a chuckle, ''i'm not good at starting conversations,'' he said shyly. yes i said shyly and meant shyly.

''i'm not good at starting conversations either, haha,''

well this is awkward. taehyung cleared his throat, ''i like painting and taking pictures, here are some pictures and pictures of my paintings, i tilted my head, ''this is a beautiful painting,'' i said, pointing at a painting of a mother carrying a child. taehyung remained silent, ''oh, that's just a painting, nothing special,''

taehyung put his phone back on the table, staring at nothing.

''i see that you, yoongi and hoseok are quite close to each other,'' taehyung said eventually. i nodded my head excitedly, ''yes! they are my best friends,'' and without noticing i told how i met them both. what friendship does to me...


i sat down on my seat, grabbing my bag. it's break time~ which means i get to eat food. my eyes went wide when i came to realisation. MY MOM FORGOT TO PUT MY LUNCHBOX IN MY BAG.

i panicked and rubbed my belly, i don't want to starve to death! i'm too young to die. i pouted and folded my arms together, ''is there something wrong?'' a soft voice asked me, it was a boy, he raised an eyebrow, he had a long face, high cheekbones and sparkling brown eyes. he smiled a little, which showed his dimples. he looked unreal i guess he was 14 years old.

''...i forgot my lunchbox...'' i said, still pouting. the boy squealed, making me jump in surprise, ''lucky you! i have extra foods with me today!'' he screamed, he handed me a sandwich which i gladly accepted.

''my name is jung hoseok by the way, what is yours?'' he asked softly, still smiling. ''nana yamamoto,'' i answered.

and at that moment i knew that i finally found my best friend.


''that's really cute,'' taehyung admitted, i nodded cupping my cheeks, ''he never left me, he may tease me sometimes but he's a really good friend,'' i explained, ''what about yoongi?''

''oh that shithead...i remember it very well,''


''jung hoseok come back you retard!'' i chased him through the whole school building, not bothering the judging faces of my classmates and teachers. i heard hoseok laughing, ''catch me, babe!''

i frowned and ran faster, not looking in front of me and before i knew he was out of my sight. i bumped into a boy. the boy yelped in surprise and fell on the ground. my eyes widened, he has silky black hair, his hair was almost covering his eyes. he had milky white skin and big eyes. he looked around hoseok's age.

''watch where you are going, bitch,'' the boy said, not caring if it was a boy or a girl. my jaw dropped and i was about to snap but the boy already walked away.

''what the flower?'' i wasn't cursing at that time, i was only 13 years old and my mom would kill me. i rolled my eyes, ''boo!'' i jumped and glared at hoseok who was laughing his ass off, ''oh my god! you need to see your face, hahahahahahaha,''

''whatever,'' i muttered, still angry that the boy called me a female dog.

a few days later i was the boy sitting on a bench, and i wanted to take revenge. which completely failed. we ended up fighting, hoseok needed to separate us from each other. the black haired glared at me, ''what is your fucking problem?''

''shut up,'' i snapped, hoseok prevented me from pulling the boy's hair out. the boy only smirked. ''i don't have time to fight with little girls anyway,'' he then walked away, not glancing at us.

''nana babe, don't do that again okay? fighting is not good,'' the 16 years old boy said. i sighed and nodded.

weeks have passed and i was ignoring him completely, he didn't have a problem with it. until i saw the boy being bullied. i know, i don't like him but i can't stand people bullying other people even though it's someone i don't like.

i sighed, knowing that i would have problems with those people after, someone was about to punch the boy when i grabbed his collar, slamming him against the wall. ''oh my god! wall, are you okay?'' i said worried. the bully glared at me, ''what the hell?!''

''do you want to fight?'' the bully threatened, thinking that that would keep me quiet. i scoffed. the boy on the floor rolled his eyes, ''why are you helping me, get out,''

i ignored him, ''dude, you really need a high five, in the face, with a chair made of steel,'' i snapped back, i heard a lot of 'oohh'. somehow hoseok found me, he's known as the sunshine of our school but now he was furious and it was the scariest thing i've ever experienced in my life.

''i'd tell you to fuck yourself, but that would be cruel and unusual punishment,'' hoseok said, staring at the bully blanky, hoseok's scary face made the bully feel nervous and scared.

''get out, before i'll get you out,'' hoseok snapped, the bully ran away, and the other classmates left too, the teachers? i don't even know where they are. that left only the three of us.

the boy stood up and wiped the dust out of his jeans and shirt, ''i still hate you guys,'' the boy said, but he had a small but soft smile plastered on his face. i looked at hoseok, he looked back. we smiled back. ''we hate you too,''

the boy chuckled, ''the name is min yoongi,''

''nana yamamoto,''

''jung hoseok,''



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