Chapter 8

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taehyung's pov.

''what do you mean with 'i can't decline his offer'?'' i asked the brown haired, frowned. ''kim seok jin said that he doesn't accept a rejection,'' jungkook said, i rolled my eyes, ''okay, i'll go,'' i finally gave in, jungkook seemed to be relieved, but he still looked a little bit scared. i pursed my lips, ''jungkook come here,'' i ordered, jungkook hesitantly came closer, walking with baby steps.

''yes sir?'' he whispered softly, i stood up and gave him a hug, ''i'm sorry kookie,'' i mumbled, jungkook is like a little brother to me, and i realised that i was harsh too him, i felt bad. jungkook shook his head, ''no it's fine...taehyung,'' the younger one still didn't dare to call me by my nickname.

''it seems like i really did scare you, i'm really sorry kookie, i didn't mean to be so harsh,'' i said holding his shoulder, he nodded, ''i understand, it's fine, don't worry,'' he grinned. i smiled, ''great,'' i ruffled his hair.

nana's pov.

'nana yamamoto please come to mr. kim's office'

i stood up, fixing my uniform and went to his office. i knocked twice before i went in, ''yes, sir?'' i asked, taehyung cleared his throat and span around with his chair, he may be a boss but sometimes he's child like.

''as you may know, my ex-assistant tzuyu is fired,'' he began, i nodded, ''yeah...'' he stood up and leaned on his desk, ''if i would give you the position to be my assistant, would you accept it?''

i opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out, ''well?'' he questioned, ''uh, i guess,'' i mumbled, taehyung smiled, ''good, you're now my assistant, you can put your stuff in the office beside mines,''


i obeyed and put my stuff on my new desk, i have my own office now, jesus christ. i sat down on the comfortable chair and couldn't help but to spin around with the chair. until someone knocked on my door.

i immediately stopped and put both my hands on the table, ''come in,'' i said, as professional as possible. jimin came in and smiled brightly.

''congratulations nana! oh! and my office is next to yours so we're neighbours now~'' he said excitedly, i smiled, ''thank you, and that's nice,'' i said, he nodded, ''well if you have any questions, feel free to ask~'' he said before walking out of my office.

i opened my laptop and started doing research for the products etc. this is much relaxer than the previous job.

no one dared to ask me to buy them food or make their work. i felt relieved washing over me, and i'm glad. after work, i went to the ramen restaurant.

''hey sana!'' i said when i saw her, she turned around and waved, ''oh hi nana~'' she pointed at a table and went in the kitchen, ''i'll be back, please take a seat first,'' she said, i went to sit at a table and got some messages.


oh my god, congratulations babe~ i'm so happy for you! you nice keep going♡


congrats, little one


woopie poopie congrats

i smiled and closed my phone, sana came back with two bowls with ramen, she clapped in her hands, ''ah those bowls are so hot,'' she said while blowing her hands. i chuckled and digged in.

''woah, this is so delicious,'' i said, ''really? i made it myself this time,'' she said proudly, grinning like an idiot. i gave her two thumbs up.

''how is work?'' sana asked, blowing her ramen before eating, ''oh work is good! i got a higher position,'' sana raised her eyebrows in surprised, ''really? woah congrats nana~'' she sang, i grinned, ''thank you~''

''ugh i'm so full...'' i mumbled, sana nodded rubbing her tummy. she then looked behind the counter, ''oh! i have cake! do you want some?'' my eyes lit up and i nodded, ''yes~'' and there we are, eating cake.

it's almost 10 pm,'' sana said while looking at her watch, ''time flies,'' i said, she nodded, ''yup,'' she said. ''i should go then,'' i wiped my mouth with a napkin and stood up, sana stretched herself and yawned.

''bye sana see you~'' i sang, ''bye bye~'' she sang back.


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