Chapter 2

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i nodded and walked towards the fitting room, after changing i looked in the mirror, fortunately this uniform wasn't revealing nor uncomfortable. i walked out of the fitting room, seeing a man leaning against a door, he looked up, shoving his phone in his pocket and walked towards me.

''you are nana right?'' he asked me, which i gave a nod.

''nice to meet you, i'm park jimin, kim taehyung's best friend and one of the best workers here,'' he told me and smiled, ''does the uniform fit?'' he asked, ''yes sir...'' i wasn't really sure what i need to call him, ''since we're colleagues you can call me jimin,'' he insist, ''oh okay, jimin,''

he went to the elevator, expecting me to follow him, which i did, of course. he ran his hand through his hair and pressed on a button, the 3rd floor. the doors opened and my eyes wandered around the place, it looked different than the 6th floor. it looked like a lab, so many experiments were going on, they wore white coats like those professional i don't know, people? jimin stopped in front of a door and gave me a little board with a pen, ''i assume you have your phone with you?'' he raised an eyebrow, ''yes,'' i said and grabbed my phone, which was in my pocket.

''so your job is very simple, you have to look if everything is alright, if everything is complete you have to take pictures and send them to us and in case there happens something you can take a picture of it,'' he instructed me, ''okay, i understand,'' i said, he smiled and patted my shoulder, ''oh and by the way, what did jungkook wear today?'' he asked, ''i'm just asking because i'm curious, nothing else,'' he smiled. i found it weird but still told him.

''he wore a black suit?'' i said, i was a bit confused why jimin asked that question randomly. ''and something else? was he wearing earrings, contacts, glasses?'' he continued asking me those weird questions. ''uhm, i think he wore blue contacts?'' i said which made jimin slap his knee, that startled me.

''i knew it! i was the first one that wore blue contacts! he's copying me, he always copies me,'' jimin started to exclaim.

''okay, i'll do my job now, uhm it was nice meeting you...i guess,'' i didn't said the last two words out loud, i wasn't in a mood for a tantrum. he grinned and grabbed my hand, shaking it roughly.

''it was nice meeting you too! i hope i see you around,'' he said, excited.

''yeah, me too. i'll go now, bye jimin,'' i muttered and walked towards god knows where.

it was pretty fun actually, suddenly i heard a beep sound everyone went to the elevator or the stairs, what is going on? i didn't know what to do so i followed the other people, seeing hoseok and yoongi too. hoseok walked towards me and snaked his arm around my waist.

''it's time to eat lunch,'' he whispered, yoongi following behind us silently. 'it's lunch time?' i thought as my stomach growled. we went down to the 1st floor, sitting around a round table.

''i'm going to buy the foods, you guys wait here,'' hoseok said and walked away, leaving me and yoongi alone.

''how's work, little one?'' yoongi questioned me while raising an eyebrow, his arm around my shoulder. i shrugged and grabbed a straw to play with.

''it was okay, i had fun actually,'' i said while smiling, i didn't like working, still don't i mean who even loves working? but this was fun to do, i like it, i don't get tired of it. well not yet. yoongi grinned and pinched my shoulder a little bit.

''that's good to hear, little one,'' he said and patted my head.

''hey, i'm not little, besides you're short too...'' i mumbled, not wanting him to hear me, which he of course did hear.

''how dare you, disrespecting older people,'' he hissed and grabbed a straw too because he got bored, pouting his lips a little bit because the straws were wrapped in a plastic package ish thing. he couldn't open it and ended up throwing the straw away that landed on hoseok's face.

''well that's a nice way to thank me for paying food for you guys,'' hoseok spoke sarcastically, yoongi just snatched his food and began to eat. i, on the other hand thanked hoseok and gently grabbed the food from the plate, earning a snort from yoongi. i looked at him with a 'wot' look. he just raised both his hands and continued eating.


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